Pregnancy: Who can help me? - Children's centres

Staffordshire Children’s Centres

Children’s Centres across Staffordshire provide further information and sessions for parents to be, new parents and children.  

Each district offers and signposts to a variety of sessions and activities for families to participate in.  These range from:  

  • sessions to support expectant parents (Bump to babies)

  • support groups and information sessions around life with a newborn.  This includes breastfeeding support and baby massage

  • sessions to support your baby/child’s development from birth to 5 years - play and stay, sing and rhyme session, simply play etc

  • targeted sessions to support with parenting, behaviour, child development and learning. (Adult and Community Learning Sessions).  

Families can see the current activity timetable, links to individual Children’s Centre Facebook pages and Centre contact details on Staffordshire Connects Children’s Centres. Session prices vary.  This information will be displayed on our activity timetables along with booking information.  

Stoke-on-Trent Children’s Centres

Please see Stoke on Trent Children’s Centres for more information on the Children’s Centre offer in this area.

Family Hubs 

Your local Family Hub is a virtual space where you can find advice, support and connect with others in your area. 

The Family Hubs offer a range of information, support and advice for families at a local and county level. This is communicated mainly through the Family Hub Facebook pages but can also be answered by individual queries by email, message or phone calls. 

We also have produced a wealth of in-house support which has been created by the Early Years Coordination team

Following your District’s Family Hub on Facebook is also a good way to keep informed on things of interest to families. It is also another way to make contact with your local Children’s Centre. You can find more information on the Family Hubs on Staffordshire Connects.