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Access to children's social care records

How to make a request

You can request a copy of your own social care information from when you were a child by submitting a Subject Access Request. You may also request other people's information (such as your child's) on their behalf.

Apply online

You can apply online from any computer or device.

You will be asked to attach proof of your identity and, if you are requesting information on someone else's behalf, proof that you have a right to do so.

Paper form

Alternatively you can download, print off and complete the  subject access request form (163 KB) and send it to us:

Email: informationrequests@staffordshire.gov.uk


Postal address:

Access to personal information team
Staffordshire County Council
1 Staffordshire Place
ST16 2DH

Please note: This process only applies to requests for children's social care records. If you are requesting education records then please contact the Information Governance Unit by emailing accessinformation@staffordshire.gov.uk

Help and advice

You can view further information about your rights and how to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information.

If you have any questions in relation to making a subject access request or if you require any help completing the request form then please contact the team:

Phone: 01785 278090

Email:  informationrequests@staffordshire.gov.uk


Apply online

Please note:

We are aware of an intermittent issue with this website when using Internet Explorer. This website is optimised for using Chrome or Edge. If you are using Internet Explorer, please re-open the website in an alternate browser. Thank you.

  • Section 1:
  • Your application is for:
  • Please note: There is not an automatic right of access to the personal data of other people (including your children) and your request may be refused. We reserve the right to contact the person whose information you are requesting to seek their consent for you to act on their behalf and access their information. This can depend on the age and competency of the person.
  • Name
  • Previous/other names (only needed if you are applying for your own information):

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