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What is a carer's assessment?

What is a carer's assessment?

A Carer's Assessment is designed to look specifically at you and your needs as a carer.  You can choose to be assessed on your own or jointly with the person that you care for.  An adult carer's assessment can take place over the telephone or face to face (for example in your own home or in another location such as a cafe) if you prefer.  

For a young carer's assessment, please see the Young Carers page. 

It will look at the different ways in which caring affects your life and what support you might need to continue in that role.  We will consider whether your needs are eligible under the Care Act, and if they are, you will be offered a support plan.  This could include agreed actions such as referrals to other services like Occupational Therapy for information about equipment that might help you in your caring role, access to benefits advice and / or support from our Staffordshire Together for Carers service.  We also have a duty to provide personalised information and advice to meet any needs which are not eligible for funded support.

The Care Act 2014 gives more emphasis on the needs of carers. This law means that more carers will be able to have a carers assessment.

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