Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training
Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board
If you require training, please visit Training (
The Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board is not funded to provide training but have produced some training packages which are available via their website.
There are supporting notes to be used in conjunction with the slides; providing more information and detail and assisting the trainers to deliver the content. Whilst the Board has agreed to make these resources free and available to all, they are not intended to be merely a hand out and it is expected that appropriately accredited trainers are used to maximise the learning opportunities.
The packages will be version controlled and updated at least every 12 months and more frequently if needed to incorporate case law, new legislation or guidance and lessons learned from reviews. Those using the resource are strongly advised not to use a previously printed off copy as changes may have been made.
The resource is not to be copied and rebranded or amended by anyone other than the SSASPB. The Board took the decision to provide it free of charge to maximise its use for the benefit of those working with adults with care and support needs and help them to prevent abuse and neglect.
Please note the Board cannot process safeguarding referrals, if you would like to raise a concern or make a referral directly to the safeguarding team.
Social Care institute for Excellence (SCIE)
SCIE offer the following open access training courses: