‘Making It Real’ is a set of nationally co-produced statements which set out what personalisation
of care services should look like from the perspective of the people who use them. These
include the following, which are important in relation to Housing with Care
Wellbeing and independence
- “I have a place I can call home, not just a ‘bed’ or somewhere that provides me with care.”
- “I live in a home which is accessible and designed so that I can be as independent as possible.”
Information and advice
- “I know what my rights are and can get information and advice on all the options for my health, care and housing”
Active and supportive communities:
- “I feel welcome and safe in my local community and can join in community life and activities that are important to me."
Flexible, integrated care and support
- “I have care and support that is co-ordinated and everyone works well together and with me.”
When things need to change
- “If I move from my home to another place, the people who are important to me are respected, listened to, supported and involved in decisions”
- “I am supported by people who listen carefully so they know what matters to me and how to support me to live the life I want.”
The Care Act 2014 emphasises that housing is key to meeting people’s needs and places duties on local authorities to:
- Promote well-being including through considering suitability of people’s accommodation.
- Treat housing not just as 'bricks and mortar' but include the support that is needed to access housing (such as housing related support).
- Consider housing access as part of an assessment process to prevent, reduce or delay in adult social care need
- Include information and advice about housing options as part of a universal service offer (including for self-funders).
- Ensure that care and support is delivered in an integrated way with cooperation with partner bodies, including health and housing.
The County Council’s vision is for “an innovative, ambitious and sustainable county, where everyone can prosper, be healthy and happy; and a priority is to encourage good health and wellbeing, resilience and independence to keep people healthier and independent for longer.”
This Strategy compliments the commissioning intentions set out in Staffordshire County Council’s Market Position Statements.