If you have been living in a care home, your savings will decrease quite rapidly. In time this could bring you below the upper capital limit, making you eligible for council funding.
You should inform the council of your situation at least four months before your savings drop to the upper capital limit of £23,250. We will then arrange to review your care and support needs and also carry out a financial assessment.
If you choose a care home that meets the care needs identified in your care plan, you are more likely to get funding should your financial situation changes in the future - without the upheaval of moving homes. Of course, your needs might change over time, so this is something to consider too.
If your current care home is more expensive than your personal budget, there is no guarantee that the council will pay the full weekly cost of your stay. Some homes are willing to accept your personal budget once your funds drop to £23,250 - the council will try and negotiate this with them. In some instances, a third party top up will need to be made towards your stay to cover the full cost (from a relative / friend). You are not allowed to pay your own third party top up.
If you receive nursing care the cost of this will be paid by the NHS to the care home directly. The NHS nursing care payment is an amount set by the Government, but other costs will vary dependent on the care home charges. What you will pay will be determined by your financial assessment and the charges that the care home makes.