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We promise to encourage you to succeed in your goals and celebrate with you

We promise to encourage you to succeed in your goals and celebrate with you

You said

  • "Treat them as individuals and ensure their care plans reflect their individual needs" - Staffordshire Foster Carer
  • "Involve me in activities that I find interesting and fun so I can learn" - Care experienced child
  • Support from secondary school to help me choose the right course to help me reach my career goals.

High aspirations

We will ensure everyone has high aspirations for you. You are supported to “reach for the stars” in everything you want to do.

We will think big and want you to do the same. If things don’t work out, we will always be there for you and never give up on you.

We will all celebrate your successes.

We will support you to have a stable education.

We will aspire for our education settings to be trauma informed and attachment aware.

Ambitious plans

When we write your plans with you, you feel inspired by the opportunities you have.

Your plans are aspirational, regularly reviewed and joined up.

Your plans have clear actions, you understand what is happening and when.

When there are any changes in your situation, they are fully planned for and you always know what is happening next (this includes your care plan or pathway plan, placement plan, personal education plan and an Education Health and Care Plan if you have one).

We support you to learn from your mistakes (because there will be some) and help you to grow from those experiences.

Schools, colleges and universities know about Raising Attainment for Disadvantaged Youngsters (RADY) and encourage them to take part in it.

Good education

You attend nurseries, schools or colleges that are ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’

You have regular Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings and we address any needs that you might have.

Education settings follow the corporate parenting principles.

You attend school regularly and take part in your lessons.

You receive the support you need in school or college to be the best that you can be.

A mentoring scheme is provided for care leavers.

Care leavers are supported to progress to further or higher education.

Opportunities and support

You are supported to attend educational trips.

We create good work experience and apprenticeship opportunities for you.

You have a passport so you can travel abroad. We will ensure you have a wide range of experiences such as going to the theatre, eating out at a restaurant, having a holiday and enjoying a hobby.

Celebration events

When you have achieved something, this is always recognised

There will be a celebration event for you and your carers every year if you wish to attend.

We will ensure your education achievements are celebrated if you wish.

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