If parents require additional hours that are not supplied as funded by the provider, consumables such as nappies, food, trips, external activities and so on, then providers can charge for these and the parent would expect to pay for these extras This is because funded hours cover the hours/ period of education supplied by the provider. Providers are asked to be mindful of some charges for the most disadvantaged children i.e. Think2 which could be waiving costs, allowing parents to bring in their own food or nappies. But it is up to Providers on how to respond to parents requests
*providers have the discretion on what days/ hours funding is offered.
However, legislation is clear that parents can have access to funded hours only without the need to access and therefore additional hours, consumables and services not covered by funded hours. This means so long as the *provider has the availability within the funded package of offer; a parent should be able to access the funded hours only. Provides should be not be charging for elements a parent is not taking or accessing just to gain access to a funded as this can create barriers to access. This is unless an agreement is in place between providers and parent.