Flooding and drains clearing in Greenacres, Coven
Dear Cllr Sutton,
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding flooding in Greenacres / School Lane areas of Coven. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Helen Fisher, Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport.
The Community Infrastructure Liaison Manager Mark Keeling has advised that he has discussed this particular site with you directly and subsequently with the drainage investigation team.
Mr Keeling has advised there are a number of issues that require addressing one of which is the overflowing of the Brook which flooded the school and Greenacres. This matter is being investigated by our flood risk team and I understand flood questionnaires have been delivered to the area. Any actions in regards the Brook will require a multi-agency approach which should include riparian owners.
We have contacted our structures team in regards the culvert located under School road and are currently awaiting feedback from the team in regards its current condition.
We also acknowledge the importance of the highway gully system and our drainage team have carried out a site visit recently and I understand have gained insight from a local resident and the school caretaker.
On inspection the gullies seem to be clear and we understand under a normal rainfall event the gullies are working. However works will be arranged to check the system is running at capacity and out to relevant outfalls.
Should you require further information regarding your petition please contact Mark Keeling on 01785 854676.
Yours sincerely
Amanda Felton
Executive Support Officer