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Implementation of a Residents Parking Zone in Kings Avenue Stone

I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding the implementation of a residents parking zone in Kings Avenue, Stone.  I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Helen Fisher, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.

Inconsiderate parking in residential areas is a common concern raised with the Council. We fully understand that non-resident parking can cause road safety problems, congestion and inconvenience to residents.

In the absence of any parking restrictions, there is very little that can be done to prevent people from parking on the public highway. A Residents Parking Zone (RPZ) is often an effective alternative solution, however, there is an initial cost to residents for the application and therefore schemes can only proceed if all residents agree to contribute financially. There are also ongoing costs for permit renewals. 

The Council has to prioritise limited public funding for road safety improvements towards locations where there is an established pattern of treatable collisions involving personal injury, in order to fulfil its statutory duties. Based on current data, there are no plans at present to investigate the feasibility of a one-way system or other traffic calming measures or physical features on Kings Avenue which is considered to have a good road safety record. A one-way scheme would require significant investment and extensive consultation which could not be justified based on current data held for this location.

Should you require further information regarding your petition please contact Richard Rayson on 0300 111 8000.

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