Improve the safety of Freehay Crossroads
Dear Ms Johnson,
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding requests to improve safety at the junction of Freehay Crossroads. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Helen Fisher, Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport.
I wish to confirm that following the most recent incident a temporary measure was to be put in place, in the form of temporary traffic signals on all four approaches to the junction, to assist with controlling the behaviour and speed of vehicles approaching and travelling through the crossroads. This should have been installed by the time this response is issued.
In addition to the temporary measure, as part of the County Council’s ongoing review of the safety of the highway network, a number of additional road safety improvements are being proposed for Freehay crossroads following a thorough assessment of the road traffic collisions that have taken place here over recent years.
As part of the review of this location consultation with the local community will take place in order to put forward further work to take place later in the year. The wider public consultation on the proposals is expected to start soon with subsequent works on site to commence in the Autumn.
Should you require further information regarding your petition please contact David Greatbatch on 01538 483022.
Yours sincerely
Amanda Felton
Executive Support Officer