Resurface the pavements on Hunter Avenue, Westbourne Crescent, Leigh Avenue and Whitehouse Crescent
Dear Mr Bethall,
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents requesting the resurfacing of pavements for Hunter Avenue, Westbourne Crescent, Leigh Avenue and Whitehouse Crescent, Burntwood. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Mark Deaville, Cabinet Member for Commercial (including Highways & Transport).
Thank you for bringing the condition of these footways to the attention of the Council. The Council has assessed the condition of the footways in question and has concluded that any future preventative treatment would require the footways to be re-constructed rather than to be slurry sealed. The footways are in the forward programme for structural maintenance treatment however there is no defined timescale for these works at present. Preventative works on these footways will be carried out when there is sufficient funding available and they will be prioritised against other footways around the county that also require treatment.
If there are any specific defects on the footways that you are concerned about then please report them via the Staffordshire County Council website, the MyStaffs app or via the contact centre on 0300 111 8000. An Inspector will then visit the site to assess the defect and put on works for reactive repairs as necessary.
I appreciate this may not be the response you were seeking but I trust it clarifies the Council’s position on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Amanda Felton
Executive Support Officer