Date received: 10 October 2019
Signatories received: 66
Name of petitioner: Cllr D Smith
Petition response:
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents, regarding a request for parking restrictions on Admiral Parker Drive, Richard Cooper Road, New Road, Station Road and Holm View Close, Shenstone. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Helen Fisher, Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport.
As you will be aware, the council has been progressing a parking restriction Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on the aforementioned roads throughout 2019. The TRO is a legal order that allows the Council to enforce parking restrictions and issue fines. The TRO process involves a number of stages of consultation that the Council must follow before the TRO can be signed off and the parking restrictions installed. The TRO at this location is coming towards the end of this process and the Council will expedite it as quickly as it can whilst complying with the legislation. Depending upon objections to the proposals, which can create delays, the Council would be looking to install the parking restrictions around February 2020.
The council has previously received assurances from West Midlands Rail on several occasions that car parking charges would not be applied to the Shenstone station car park without prior consultation with the Council. Unfortunately, this has not happened and WMR have proceeded to apply parking charges which has resulted in increased station parking on the surrounding roads.
Whilst residents wait for the TRO to be completed, there are two things that they can do:
- Each resident can request that their vehicle access crossing is enforced. See our dropped kerb enforcement page for further details on how to apply.
- If there is an obstruction of the road or footway, i.e. vehicles / pedestrians cannot pass, residents need to contact the police on their non-emergency telephone number 101. The police enforce obstruction and dangerous parking, the Council does not have the power to do so.
I would like to take this opportunity to assure residents that the council is aware of the situation and is working towards getting the necessary parking restrictions installed as soon as it can.