Date received: 13 February 2020
Signatories received: 33
Name of petitioner: Cllr Kyle Robinson
Petition response:
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding the request for the repair of potholes on Chapel Street, Butt Lane. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to Cllr Helen Fisher, Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport.
Firstly I would say that it is fully understandable why you would have aspirations regarding the maintenance of your local road network and I appreciate the time you have taken to contact the Council with your concerns.
Chapel Street, Butt Lane is currently on the preventative treatment programme for this year. As part of this programme pre-patching works have already been carried out on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 to make the road safe before these works are carried out. These works will be completed as soon as resources allowed.
All road surfaces deteriorate due to use. Weathering and severe weather conditions can accelerate the deterioration of roads. Reactive maintenance work, which is aimed at keeping the roads safe, is identified by a comprehensive system of highway inspections that categorise each defect based on the risk it presents to the travelling public.
Routine inspections are completed in line with the requirements set by the Department for Transport and completed on either a monthly or annual basis depending on the classification of the road. If there are any other defects in this location that have not already been repaired, then these will be address as part of our ongoing inspections.
Should you require further information regarding your petition please contact Tom Underwood