Date received: 23 July 2020
Signatories received: 81
Name of petitioner: Cllr R Clarke
Petition response:
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding traffic calming on Sydney Street.
Sydney Street does not currently meet the criteria in terms of speed related collisions for the Council to consider further investigation at this time, but we will of course continue to monitor data for this location.
If someone is injured in a road traffic accident on a public road and it has been reported to or recorded by the police, then the Council receives the collision data. The Council constantly monitors personal injury collisions reported on the public highway across Staffordshire to identify accident trends and to ensure it fulfils its statutory obligations. Any treatable pattern of accidents identified will have proportionate remedial measures put forward for funding and prioritised against other locations around Staffordshire. The key is based on a pattern rather than the severity of collision, although if there is a pattern of severe collisions then this takes greater priority.
This issue will be logged on County Councillor Ron Clarkes Divisional Highway Programme (DHP) for discussion. Each Councillor is allocated a small annual budget which they can use to fund investigation into community requests that may not otherwise meet the criteria for intervention.
The DHP promotes effective democratic influence by placing elected County Councillors at the very heart of local highway concerns. Each Councillor is allocated a small annual budget which they can use to fund investigation into community requests that may not otherwise meet the criteria for intervention.
We receive a vast number of requests from communities for improvements to the local highway network and the DHP provides the Council with a platform to investigate some of these concerns, which may not otherwise meet the criteria for intervention.
The Divisional Highway Programme supports the Council in providing a balance between the delivery of statutory duties and locally identified problems, within the finite resources available.
In the meantime, you may wish to consider the advice and guidance available on the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership website at which aims to provide support to tackle anti-social driving in our communities.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I hope the above goes some way to reassuring you that we are monitoring the location