Date received: 08 October 2020
Signatories received: 112
Name of petitioner: Cllr David Brookes
Petition response:
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding speeding on Holly Road, Uttoxeter.
The Council completely sympathises with local residents affected by the inconsiderate behaviour of speeding motorists.
Staffordshire County Council takes road safety extremely seriously and all road safety considerations across the county are supported through the collation of objectively measured data which is challenged and rationalised. This approach has led Staffordshire to have one of the safest county council road networks in the country.
Effective speed management is part of creating a safe road environment which is fit for purpose. It involves many components designed to work together to require, encourage and help road users to adopt appropriate and safe speeds below the speed limit. As well as being the legal limit, speed limits are a key source of information to road users, particularly as an indicator of the nature and risks posed by that road both to themselves and to all other road users. Speed limits should therefore be evidence-led and self-explaining and seek to reinforce people's assessment of what is a safe speed to travel at which encourages self-compliance. Speed limits should be seen by drivers as the maximum speed, rather than as a target speed at which to drive irrespective of conditions. It is often not appropriate or safe to drive at the maximum speed limit.
We measure this by taking both the Mean speed and 85th percentile speed (the speed at or below which 85% of vehicles are travelling) are the most commonly used measures of actual traffic speed. Traffic authorities should continue to routinely collect and assess both, but mean speeds should be used as the basis for determining local speed limits.
For the majority of roads there is a consistent relationship between mean speed and 85th percentile speed. Where this is not the case, it will usually indicate that drivers have difficulty in deciding the appropriate speed for the road, suggesting that a better match between road design and speed limit is required. It may be necessary to consider additional measures to reduce the larger than normal difference between mean and 85th percentile speeds or to bring the speed distribution more in line with typical distributions. The aim for local speed limits should be to align the speed limit to the conditions of the road and road environment.
Traffic speeds on Holly Road, Uttoxeter, were studied during the County Council’s A and B road speed limit review. There were no trends concerning factors of speed in the accident data studied and there was no objective data to support traffic calming such as speed cushions or other build outs, in this location.
Speed indicator devices have been erected in the local area. These signs are used on a rotational basis with other locations to provide a break from the sign at the same location so as that drivers do not become complacent by its presence. We also provide regular visits of the mobile safety van throughout the year.
Details of how the county council contributes to this programme through strategic investment choices in road safety engineering measures is available on the council’s website here: Road safety issues - Staffordshire County Council