Date received: 09 February 2023
Signatories received: 594
Name of petitioner: St Luke's CE Academy
Petition response:
RE: Receipt of Petition – Request for Traffic Light Controlled Crossing outside St Luke’s CE Academy, A53 Leek Road, Endon
I refer to the petition regarding the request for the provision of a traffic light controlled crossing outside St Luke’s CE Academy following the difficulties recruiting a School Crossing Patrol, which was presented by County Councillor Flunder at the County Council meeting of 9 February 2023.
As highlighted within the petition there is ongoing difficulties recruiting to the vacant School Crossing Patrol, but advertising of this vacancy continues with the most recent advert for this vacancy, and other vacant School Crossing Patrol posts across the county, closing on 16 April 2023.
Filling this position remains the preferred option and the School Crossing Patrols Manager confirmed that the school is being very supportive with the recruitment drive and in the meantime, where possible, the School Crossing Patrol outside St Luke’s is covered with a Mobile Crossing Patrol.
Notwithstanding the above, County Councillor Flunder has committed funding from his Divisional Highway Programme (DHP) allocation for an investigation regarding the request for a push button crossing for St Luke’s. This will include a report to confirm the suitability for such a provision at this location and the estimated cost for the installation, as well as consideration of the current situation and general safety in the vicinity of the school.
I am unable to give a timescale for when this investigation and associated report will be completed but please be assured it will progress as quickly as is practicable, as the team resources and their workload permits.
Yours sincerely
David Greatbatch
Community Highway Manager