Date received: 25 October 2023
Signatures received: 12
Name of petitioner: Residents of Swinfen Broun Road
Petition response:
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding parking on Swinfen Broun Road, Lichfield.
Thank you for detailing the particular concerns in relation to parking issues and for also proposing potential mitigations, such as the deployment of bespoke signage during local events. A multi-agency approach to issues relating to events will be beneficial and the local Highways team is currently in discussions with local County and District Councillors to offer support with any solutions already being explored by Lichfield District Council.
With regard to parking issues generated by the nearby school and other non-residents, details of the Council's responsibilities for enforcement, as well as answers to common concerns about parking, can be found under the highways section of our website:
The local Highways team have recently discussed the petition with County Councillor Colin Greatorex as part of his Divisional Highway Programme, but there are very few appropriate solutions that do not involve permanent restrictions. Restrictions may not be supported by all residents as they would affect all visitors and carers and tradespersons for example, and they also usually involve significant costs to the Local Authority.
The local Community Highways Manager Garry Hunt would be happy to arrange an informal visit with the petition organiser to discuss the general issues here and potential solutions in greater detail. Garry can be contacted via