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The provider has explicit policies on teaching and learning, including how young people are taught, grouped, marking/feedback and target setting.
Associated policies such as Equality, SEND, and Behaviour are implemented and regularly reviewed.
The senior leadership team ensures that all staff in school are aware of their individual responsibility with respect to SEND and are aware of the key content in the relevant documents, including:
There is a named person in the setting who is responsible for:Appropriate funding is identified to support SEND.
The senior leadership team promote an ethos of positive enquiry and acceptance of difference through:The senior leadership team ensure there is a clear process for communication and the dissemination of information regarding SEND.
School systems are flexible enough to support the individual needs of all young people on roll at the setting including those educated off-site.
There is adequate time available for staff to fulfil their SEND duties as required, for example attending meetings
All staff are committed to the promotion of inclusion of all young people in the setting.
There are processes in place that ensure that young people are aware of and involved in whole school decision making including support available regarding curriculum access.
Staff skills are regularly audited and further training in SEND is offered to staff groups and individual staff when required.
Providers encourage and support a team approach to addressing SEND. In particular:
There are procedures in place for the senior leadership team to assess how effectively staff are meeting learning needs.
There are assessment procedures in place for young people that allows staff to identify any that are not achieving as early as possible.
There is a system in place to further assess these children to identify the barriers to learning and baselining the skills causing concern in order to inform intervention.
There are processes in place to monitor and record identified young people’s progress more closely such as Individual Support Plans using the principles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review which includes teachers, young people and parents/carers, if appropriate.
Young people are aware of who to approach to seek help themselves
Parents/carers know who to approach if they have concerns or information regarding their child’s learning
There are processes in place in school for sharing information with relevant staff regarding individual young people’s progress.
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