The communication chain
In order to identify the specific areas of language that are causing concern it may be useful to consider this communication chain which attempts to explain the process between hearing speech and responding using speech:
- Look and attend
- Actively listen
- Remember/retain information
- Understand the words (semantics)
- Understand the sentence (e.g. the syntax/grammar)
- Understand the meaning (e.g. is it literal/non-literal, concrete/implied)
- Have an idea!
- Choose the right words (semantics)
- Choose the correct sentence structure (grammar)
- Choose the right sounds
- Coordinate the speech muscles
- Speak appropriately (pragmatics)
This illustrates the number of different processes/skills involved in language and will help in identifying key areas to support. More details about the communication chain can be found in Language Builders (Elkan resources).
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