Staffordshire ladder of intervention - (A) PDB in mainstream settings
Stage 1: School action
If exclusive is considered at any point - ensure DFE guidance on exclusions in maintained schools, academies and PRUs 2017 is followed
- Consider, through school based assessment, whether behaviour is as a result of unmet needs or environmental factors. This should involve class teacher(s), pupil and parents. If support is already in place (e.g. for pupils with SEN) review the impact of this support taking into account any 'reasonable adjustments' required under the Equality Act 2010.
- Ensure any 'trigger' factors and de - escalation techniques are known to relevant staff. Share what works well.
- Ensure school Behaviour Policy is being implemented consistently and that both positive management/prevention/support strategies and sanctions/consequences process are being used fully.
- Put a Pastoral Support Programme in place using a solution focused approach and consider any amendments required to other plans which may be in place such as IEP/IBP/EHCP.
- Contact the Local Support Team and begin an Early Help assessment (EHA) if problems are not solely school based or influences external to school are impacting.
- If LAC - discuss with Virtual School - ensure concerns are reflected in PEP.
- Consider which other professionals may need to be involved (e.g. EPS/ Learning Support/ Autism Outreach) and if EHCP is appropriate.
- Formal 'Assess-plan-do-review' cycle begins here (if not already in motion).
- Access to all Social and Emotional, Mental Health universal services available.
Stage 2: Additional needs
- Review of PSP - amend targets and/ or strategies to support pupil as necessary.
- Submit request for support to Behaviour Support Team including evidence and outcomes from Stage 1.
- Consider also involvement EPS / Learning Support/ LST/ Virtual School.
- NB: For pupils with a diagnosis of Autism, the Autism Outreach Team should be involved prior to BST.
- Consider referral to District Inclusion Partnership for proactive support e.g. shared resources.
- Consider proactive managed move. Ensure protocols are followed systematically and required support is in place at receiving school.
- Flag to District Inclusion Officer if pupil has multiple exclusions and at risk of permanent exclusion.
- Apply for AEN/other funding if appropriate.
- Begin EHCP process if appropriate/not already in motion.
- Ensure APDR cycle followed and evidence is recorded formally. Next cycle begins.
Stage 3: Higher needs
- School to consider what additional support or placement is necessary.
- Review current support plan - record impact/outcomes formally.
- Refer to District Inclusion Partnership/discuss with DIO.
- Consider managed move if not already explored. What can another school offer? Can the pupil progress in another mainstream setting or is specialist provision needed?
- Admission to PRU on a Dual Roll intervention place/Alternative Provision for short term placement (programme of X weeks with planned return to home school or new setting).
- Maintain APDR cycles recording evidence/ outcomes/ impact formally.
- Use EHCP pathway / Submit request / re-submit with additional evidence/ call emergency review if pupil has EHCP/call an urgent PEP review for a LAC pupil.
- Involvement of other agencies such as Youth Offending Team, C.A.M.H.S., Health or Social Services.
Stage 4: Higher needs plus
- Implementation of the EHCP Needs Assessment process where professionals and parents consider whether a mainstream educational placement can meet the pupil's needs or whether specialist provision might be appropriate.
- EHCP finalised or amended accordingly.
- Additional support package or specialist placement implemented as set out in the EHCP and then regularly reviewed.
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