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St. Leonard's CE (A) First, Ipstones

Admission Arrangements 2023/2024, 2024/2025 & 2025/2026

St Leonard’s CE (A) First School serves mainly Ipstones and its surrounding villages.  However, some pupils living outside this area commute to St Leonard’s as their preferred school choice.  Providing there is sufficient room available in each year group, this will continue to be our remit. 

The Governing Body is responsible for all matters concerning Pupil Admissions. 

In the event that the school is oversubscribed and unable to admit all applicants who have expressed a preference for the school.  The Governors will allocate places based on the following oversubscription criteria: 

  1. Children who are in the care of the local authority (looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989). In addition, children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residential order or special guardianship order), including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Children of the right age living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Ipstones with Berkhamstych (that is all children who will be five on or after the 1 September and the 31 August the following year on a full-time basis).
  3. Younger siblings of children who are in school at the time of admission.
  4. Children whose parents request a place on religious grounds, i.e. their involvement in the Anglican Church.
  5. Children whose parents wish their child to be educated in a school with specific religious environment.
  6. Pupils with medical reasons which make it preferable to attend the school rather than any other school.  These requests must be supported by a medical report justifying, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.

Note 1

Children with a statement of special educational need that names the school must be admitted.  This will reduce the number of places available to applicants.

Note 2

If there is over-subscription within a category, the Governors will give priority according to distance from the school of the child’s home address measured in a direct line, the shortest distance ranking first. 

The number of places available each year is 18, although numbers may vary when a low intake number has taken place.  Classes do not exceed 30 pupils in any Key Stage 1 Class or 35 in Key Stage 2. 

All applicants will be considered fairly bearing in mind the particular needs of the child and wishes of the parents.

Note 3

Siblings – other relatives, including those adopted or others living permanently in the household will be treated as siblings if this criterion is applied.

Note 4

In line with the new admissions code, which states that waiting lists must now be kept until at least the end of the Autumn Term for admissions from 2010 onwards – The school has amended its arrangements to reflect this.

Note 5

In line with the code for Primary admissions our closing date will be the same as the national closing date.

Note 6

Late Applications

Application forms received after the closing date will be considered alongside those applicants that applied on time where there are exceptional reasons which prevented the applicant from applying by the closing date, e.g. a family changes its address and was unable to apply within the deadline.

Note 7

Repeat Applications - unless there are significant and material changes in the circumstances of a parent’s application for their child or the school, governors will not consider a repeat application in the same academic year.

Note 8

Deferred Entry to Reception Class

Governors will consider requests from parents to retain a place in the school where the parents wish to defer their child's entry to Reception class until January in the same academic year.  Where it is possible to offer a place, deferral will be supported if the request is made at the time of application.

Note 9

Waiting Lists

A waiting list will be operated in admission criteria order and will remain open until the end of the Autumn Term and will then be discarded.  Parents may apply to remain on the waiting list if they so wish.

Note 10


Any parent has the right to appeal against a decision not to admit.  Appeals should be made in writing to the Chair of Governors.  The appeal will be heard by an Independent appeal panel.

Note 11

Applications other than the normal intake year

An application should be made to the Local Authority who will need to consult with governors. 

All new entrants will be invited to spend time in school with teaching staff.  Many opportunities throughout the year and particularly in the Summer Term are provided for them to get to know the school routines and its community.  A meeting is held for parents, during which information about the school is given and questions answered.  Any relevant school letters which give new parents added information and a flavour of the school will also be sent to new parents during the Summer Term. 

Parents are very welcome to visit the school by making an appointment with the school office. 

Parents wishing to apply for a school place should register online on the Staffordshire County Council website. 

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