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Hob Hill CE/Methodist (VC) Primary School

Consultation on Proposed Reduction in Published Admission Number (PAN) for Hob Hill CE/Methodist (VC) Primary School 45 to 30 for September 2024 

The Schools Admissions Code requires Staffordshire County Council to notify the appropriate bodies of its proposal to reduce the PAN at Hob Hill CE/Methodist (VC) Primary School from 45 pupils to 30 pupils from September 2024. 

This means that the number of places available for children in Reception in September 2024 and all subsequent Reception cohorts will be 30. For children who already have a place in the school the year groups will not change. 

This proposal has come about as a result of a request by the governing body due to falling numbers on roll and the impact that this has on the budget and financial capacity of the school to maintain the existing class and staffing structure. 

In September 2017, Hob Hill’s PAN was increased from 30 to 45 as part of a local authority led expansion project to accommodate anticipated increases in pupil numbers in the area.  Whilst this has resulted in an increase in pupil catchment numbers the pupils on roll at Hob Hill have been inconsistent, governors have advised that this has resulted in a significant impact on school organisation, staffing, curriculum planning and finances. 

The local authority temporarily reduced the PAN to 30 for admission to Reception in September 2021 due to low projected numbers which enabled the school to organise as a one form entry school. 

Provided that parental preference remains as it is currently, there are likely to be sufficient school places across the local area despite the proposed reduction in PAN, as the school currently retains less than half of the children residing within its catchment area. 

The local authority will continue to monitor the demographics within the local area to ensure that if the situation changes, this can be discussed with the school at the earliest opportunity. 

A reduction in PAN to 30 will enable the school to organise one class per year group.  Without the reduction in PAN there will be continuing mixed year groups, some larger classes and a lack of organisational consistency within the school.  The governing body considers that this will impact on the education of its students. 

A reduction in PAN will also allow the school to re-designate (in agreement with the local authority) some of the accommodation to benefit not only the school community but also the wider needs of the Rugeley cluster, including still having capacity to exceed PAN should places be required. 

The Governing Body at Hob Hill CE/Methodist (VC) Primary have suggested and are in agreement with this proposal. 

You may find the following information useful when considering this proposal.

Past Pupil Admission Numbers

YearAdmission numberNumber admittedNumber of appeals
2019/2020 45 42 0
2020/2021 45 28 0
2021/2022 30 30 0
2022/2023 45 37 0

Number on Roll as at January plus September 2022 (PLASC)

Month and yearRecY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Total
Jan 2019 45 40 29 26 32 34 30 236
Jan 2020 43 47 41 29 24 32 33 249
Jan 2021 28 43 46 43 30 23 31 244
Jan 2022 29 30 43 42 42 30 23 239
Sep 2022 37 30 28 42 41 40 28 246

Please direct any queries or comments that you wish to make on this proposal to me in writing by 31 January 2023.

Samantha Nicol
Principal School Admissions Officer
Staffordshire County Council
2 Staffordshire Place
Tipping Street
ST16 2DH


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