There is no legal reason why a young person who remains registered at a school cannot be educated part of the time there and part of the time at home, so long as they attend regularly on the days it has been agreed they will be in school. Some parents and carers may be considering the possibility of educating their children at home and in a school.
This partnership arrangement requires a formal written agreement between the school and the parents which clearly identifies:
a) the days, dates and times when the child is to be in school
b) the subjects that the school is providing and the ones that the parents/carers will deliver.
As the child is still on the school roll, the statutory regulations apply with regard to attendance and the national curriculum. The parents must also provide a suitable education in the subjects not delivered by the school. These must follow the programmes of study identified in the national curriculum although parents may use alternative methods to those used in schools. Although parents can ask a school to consider a "flexi-school" arrangement, agreement is at the discretion of the Headteacher and the Governing Body. There is no duty on a school to provide flexi-schooling.