Starting primary school
Follow these top tips to make their first day a great day.
1. Be positive
You’ll probably feel quite nervous and this is absolutely normal, but try to be upbeat and show your son or daughter that there is nothing to be afraid of.
2. Be prepared
If your son or daughter knows what to expect, the first day is a lot less nerve-wracking.
If it’s possible, it can also really help for you to arrange to meet up with other children who will be starting at your son or daughter’s school, so that there are familiar faces.
At any age, it’s a good idea to visit the school before the first day so that the building is familiar. Most primary schools will have already arranged for settling in sessions at secondary schools before the summer holidays.
3. Kick-start a routine
A good breakfast and plenty of sleep will help ensure that your kids have the concentration power they need to ace their first week and ensure they know what to expect each day.
You could try a couple of ‘trial runs’ in getting to school before the term starts.
On the big day, it will go against all of your instincts, but don’t hang around too long when saying goodbye. Similar, make sure you’re there in plenty of time to collect them from school so that they don’t get anxious in waiting for you.
4. Visit the Parents' Hub and use their School Ready Guide
We've partnered with Parentkind (formerly PTA UK) to give you access to their Parents' Hub, where you'll find practical information about starting school including their School Ready Guide.
5. Use the BBC Bitesize toolkit
The BBC Starting Primary School toolkit gives practical advice, support including school life, daily routine, sleep, how to support your child practically and emotionally and a fun interactive game.