Enhanced Assess, Plan, Do, Review - Glossary of terms
EAPDR = Enhanced Assess, Plan, Do, Review
S&I Hub = SEND & Inclusion Hub
SENCo = SEND Coordinator
UPN = Unique Pupil Number
DOB = Date of Birth
NCY = National Curriculum Year
BSL = British Sign Language
LA = Local Authority
GP = General Practitioner
C / YP = Child / Young Person
SEND = Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
APDR = Assess, Plan, Do, Review
EP = Educational Psychologist
ELSA = Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
C&I = Communication & Interaction
C&L = Cognition & Learning
SEMH = Social, Emotional & Mental Health
S&P = Sensory & Physical
RAG = Red, Amber, Green
EHCNA = Education, Health, Care Needs Assessment
TAC = Team Around the Child