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Stage 3 - Assessment

Stage 3 - Assessment
  • How will the proposal affect health in different groups?
  • What is the impact, if any, on health?
  • Will it be positive/negative/neutral?

This stage includes analysing information and prioritising potential health impacts. 
Consider how the overall proposal will impact health in different groups during the assessment stage and identify groups that may be more adversely affected and record clearly on the HIA Template.

What is the likely impact, if any, on health?

Using any evidence that we are aware of that may lead us to believe that the proposed strategy, policy or programme will impact on health and health inequalities, consider what would be the scale and likelihood of the impact?

Each of the following categories should be considered in turn;

  • Housing• Diet and Nutrition • Physical Activity
  • Transport, travel and connectivity
  • Employment and Income
  • Education and skills
  • Environment and Air Quality
  • Climate Change
  • Community Safety
  • Equality and Social Cohesion
  • Access to Public Services

The HIA does not need to be limited to the themes provided above. It should focus on the wider determinants of health, but other categories could be added if appropriate to be determined by the Lead Officer.

Consider if the proposal will have an impact relating to each of the categories and if this impact will be positive, negative or neutral. Remember an explicit aim of the impact assessment is to reduce inequalities wherever possible. 

Proposal has a positive impactProposal has a negative impactProposal has a neutral impact

Give a description of the impacts / issues that you have identified, including if the proposal will impact on a specific group or population. Briefly describe how the proposal affects the health and wellbeing of the existing and future residents/users of the site/local area.

You will need to consider health inequalities as well as absolute/overall impact. Also consider demographic, socio-economic and geographical contexts e.g. is the impact worse in the south compared to the north, worse for a particular ethnicity or worse in deprived communities? 

Highlight recommendations detailing and giving practical suggestions, how positive impacts could be maximised, and negative impacts minimised. These may be from previous experience or research into best practice from elsewhere.

Stage 4 - Recommendations

Following completion of Stage 3 (above), you should discuss the recommendations and suggestions, to remove or mitigate adverse health impact and to enhance positive health impact, with the relevant stakeholders to explore those that should be taken forward from the HIA.

These should then be presented / reported to the relevant decision maker(s) for consideration and action as appropriate. Where there are any doubts regarding the interpretation of a HIA, additional support is available from the Staffordshire County Council Public Health and Prevention Team.  

Requests for assistance can be made using the following email: publichealth@staffordshire.gov.uk    

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