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About suicide

Tragically, around 2,000 years of life are prematurely lost to suicide across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent each year. 

Facts about suicide

Men are more at risk

The highest suicide rate in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent is among men in their 40s and 50s. They are dads, sons, brothers, uncles, best mates, teammates and workmates. They’re someone you know.

This is because the pressure on men to be strong, independent, tough and 'together', often discourages them from seeking help and talking about how they feel.  And the stigma of mental health prevents many men from sharing their feelings.

Talking about suicide doesn’t make it happen

There’s no easy way to ask someone if they're feeling suicidal. But it won’t make it more likely. Talking and listening can help prevent suicide.

Suicide can be prevented

People who experience suicidal thoughts often don’t want to die, they simply want their pain to stop.

Emotional support and understanding offered to someone who feels like they can’t go on can have a hugely positive effect. If people feel they can ask for help and find it when they need it, then more suicides can be prevented.

Suicidal thoughts are more common than you think

Suicidal thoughts are often the result of emotional or physical pain, stress or unhappiness. These situations can affect anyone and everyone.

Remember, mentioning suicide to someone who’s already thinking about it will not encourage them to go through with it. Talking and listening can help prevent suicide.

Suicide isn’t always caused by a big traumatic event

Most suicides are actually caused by a build-up of stressful or painful events over time, rather than one single cause.

You can’t tell by looking

Someone who appears happy, successful, strong and together can be struggling immensely. If you recognise a warning sign from someone you don’t think could possibly be suicidal, take it seriously and use it as an opportunity to have an honest conversation.

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