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People and businesses reminded of firework sales safety

Posted on Wednesday 24th October 2018

Staffordshire traders selling fireworks have been reminded of legal responsibilities in terms of the safe storage and sales by the county council’s trading standards team in the run-up to bonfire night celebrations.

Trading standards officers have been visiting premises across the county selling fireworks to ensure they are being stored safely and only being sold to adults. All firework traders need a licence and anyone buying them should only do so from registered premises.

It is against the law for fireworks to be sold at a car boot sale, from a vehicle or from a private house. People should report these finds to the national Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040506. They should also avoid buying fireworks on social media sites. It is illegal for fireworks or sparklers to be sold to any person under the age of 18.

Only specialist traders are licensed to sell fireworks all year round. The vast majority of shops can only sell fireworks from October 15 until November 10 and then again from December 26 until December 31.

People can find out more information about curfew times, firework sales and other related queries by calling the 03454 040506. Anyone concerned about unsafe fireworks or young people in their area being sold fireworks can contact Staffordshire’s firework hotline on 01785 277855.

Staffordshire County Council’s communities leader Gill Heath said:

"We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time over the bonfire and firework period. The vast majority of traders are responsible and safe.

However fireworks can be lethal and so we need to know about unregistered traders and those who are selling fireworks unlawfully, putting people’s safety at risk. People can ring the national trading standards line or the fireworks hotline for any further information."

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