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Adoption campaign launches to find loving homes for children in care

Posted on Monday 14th October 2019
Adoption Week 19 Ruth & John

Staffordshire adopters Ruth & John

Outdoor adventures and singing and dancing together were high on the wish list for a brother and sister duo looking for a forever family home together.

Now, thanks to adoptive parents Ruth and husband John from Stafford, the siblings have a loving family and are starting to fulfil their dreams. The children’s story is being highlighted by Staffordshire County Council in a bid to recruit more people willing to adopt sibling groups.

The campaign is part of National Adoption Week which launches today (Monday 14 October).

Talking about her experience of adopting, Ruth said:

“When John and I came to the decision that adoption was the right choice for us, we always knew we would like siblings. We were aware that going from zero to two all at once would be tough, but equally, we wanted to allow siblings to be able to stay together, and also to be a family of four from the outset.

“We were matched with our son and daughter based on our love of the outdoors, and over the last 4 years this has continued to grow. Now we can go on family walks and bike rides, as well as going on camping trips during the summer. These were things we could do as a couple but being able to experience these as a family makes them even more special. 

“Adopting siblings has meant we can now enjoy all the precious times we saw friends experience when we longed for a family of our own. Harvest and Christmas productions, achievements inside and outside school, and also the simplest of things such as cuddles and bedtime stories at home.

Although parenting is never easy, we have found it to be the most rewarding thing we have done, as we are there to support and nurture our children, despite their difficult start in life.”

Almost seven out of 10 children waiting for adoptive families in Staffordshire are brothers and sisters in groups of two or more.

Adoption Week Mark Sutton

Mark Sutton, Cabinet Member responsible for Children's Services at Staffordshire County Council said:

“We know that in many cases adoption is the best option for our children in care. It can really transform the lives of those it touches and during National Adoption Week we’re asking anyone who has ever thought about adoption to get in touch.

“While finding families for sibling groups is a priority, we are also looking for potential families for children of all ages, those with additional needs and children from ethnic minority backgrounds.

"If you’re looking to start or complete your family, I would definitely encourage people to think about adoption. You’ll find all you need to do at one of our information events.”

Currently waiting for adoption in Staffordshire are two sibling groups, with children aged two, three and four years old. The children in the youngest sibling group are described as having ‘…very beautiful, but different personalities and natures. They love to visit the park, and seeing animals is always especially fun. They have a wonderful relationship together which is full of giggles, mischief, adventure and fun.

One of these children has additional health needs, whilst the other is meeting all her developmental milestones. The older sibling group share a beautifully close bond with each other. They are two active, fun loving children who love the outdoors. They enjoy being little helpers in the house and their little eyes shine and smiles beam when given praise.

They both have their unique personalities, and a wonderful sense of humour. The children are confident, outgoing, who love singing and dancing; and not afraid to try new activities.

Families interested in adopting can attend one of the campaign roadshows between 10am and 2pm:

• 14/10/2019 – Stafford Market Square

• 15/10/2019 – Leek (outside Co-op Bank)

• 16/10/2019 – Lichfield Market Square

• 17/10/2019 – Cannock Asda

• 18/10/2019 – Newcastle Ironmarket

The following information evenings are also taking place:

• 16/10/2019, 7PM, Staffordshire County Council, SP1, Tipping Street, Stafford

• 18/10/2019 – 10am-2pm, a drop in event  at Costa Coffee, Queens Retail Park, Stafford

People can also find out more about adopting in Staffordshire at www.Staffordshire.gov.uk/adoption or by calling 0800 169 2061.

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