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Help to protect lives and report businesses flouting COVID-19 laws

Posted on Wednesday 8th April 2020

Gill Heath

Staffordshire residents are being urged to report businesses which open to the public and flout covid-19 restrictions.

The county council’s trading standards team has received call from across Staffordshire about some businesses – particularly licensed premises – opening despite the new laws.

Trading standards officers are working with district and borough environmental health teams and police to ensure businesses remain closed where the law applies.

Businesses including pubs, cinemas, theatres and casinos were told to close from 21 March as part of government drive to reduce the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives.

The teams, with police support, are working together to issue prohibition notices where businesses do not follow these restrictions. They will monitor compliance and businesses which fail to comply can also receive fines. Continued non-compliance could then lead to the loss of an alcohol licence.

Under the Business Closure regulations introduced on March 21, officers have powers to prosecute for breach of regulations. This means that:

• Businesses that do not follow covid-19 restrictions will be issued with prohibition notices

• Businesses failing to comply will receive fines and could also face the loss of their alcohol licence

• There will be no upper limit to the fines of businesses which continue to ignore restrictions

Anyone who has concerns about businesses not complying with restrictions should report them to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline: 0808 223 1133.

Staffordshire County Council’s communities leader Gill Heath said:

These laws are in place to protect our families, friends and to reduce pressure on the NHS and key workers. Of course the vast majority of businesses and people are adhering to the restrictions as they understand how vital this is to public health and safety.

However if people are aware of businesses disregarding the law and opening to the public they should report it on the Citizens Advice line or the police non-emergency number 101.”

Chief Inspector Giles Parsons, force lead on business crime for Staffordshire Police, said:

Businesses must comply with law to ensure that we prevent the spread of covid-19. We are working closely with Staffordshire County Council and other partners to make sure that the restrictions are adhered to.

The majority of businesses and people in Staffordshire are following the guidelines and we want to encourage people to keep working with us to protect the NHS and help us to stay safe.”

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