Posted on Monday 22nd February 2021
News that lockdown restrictions will be gradually lifted has been welcomed by the Leader of Staffordshire County Council today.
The Prime Minister Boris Johnson officially set out the Government’s roadmap to easing restrictions, which will see all children return to school on March 8, residents in care homes able to have a nominated visitor and restrictions on meeting with friends and family will start to be relaxed.
Restrictions on social gatherings and businesses reopening will be lifted over the coming weeks and months subject to a rolling review. Full details can be found at
Boris Johnson warned that although there was no credible route to a “zero Covid Britain” as some people would always be more at risk, the country couldn’t continue with restrictions indefinitely.
Alan White, Leader of Staffordshire County Council said the announcement was welcome news for families who have already sacrificed so much during this pandemic, but understood too the frustration of businesses facing further delays until they can safely reopen.
Alan said:
“We have seen the number of cases continue to fall in the county and the news that more than 300,000 doses of the vaccine have been given in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent brings further optimism for what lies ahead.
“In Staffordshire, we already have plans in place to ensure that this county is in the best place possible to bounce back from this last year and generate new opportunities for better jobs, improved lives and a greener county, while recognising too that the impact of this pandemic is likely to be felt for years to come.
“Despite today’s news, we cannot become distracted or lose focus on the challenges that Covid-19 continues to present, with new variants such as the South African strain identified in Stafford Borough just one example.
“It is important that everyone continues to stick to the rules as lockdown is eased, gets tested on a regular basis even if they have no symptoms and take up the offer of the vaccine when called to do so.
“Unless we continue to do all of these things, what is now within our grasp can just as easily be snatched away.”