Posted on Friday 4th June 2021
More testing is being put on in Leek over the weekend, to get as many people tested for Covid-19 in the town as possible.
Testing will take place at Westwood College between 9:30am and 4pm on Saturday 5 June on a walk in, first come first-served basis.
People are being asked to get tested following confirmed cases in the town of the Delta Variant of Concern (VOC), which was first identified in India.
Families with links to any school in Leek, plus patrons of two hospitality venues are being asked to get a PCR test.
Director for Health and Care, Dr Richard Harling, said:
“We’ve seen a fantastic response to our call for the people of Leek to get tested so far this week, and we want this to continue over the weekend. It’s great to see Westwood College supporting this, so please take advantage of the extra testing available there on Saturday.
“PCR testing is the best way for us to check for further variants in the community and hopefully limit their spread, so I’d urge all residents who haven’t already done so to go and get a test as soon as possible to help protect yourself, your loved ones and others in the community.”
Headteacher at Westwood College, Matthew Taylor, said: “We’re really happy to play our part and support testing efforts in the local community in response to the variant of concern."
“It’s really important that as many people as possible get PCR tested over the weekend, so please come along to the college on Saturday and do your bit by getting a test.”
Staff and customers who visited the Three Horseshoes Country Inn & Spa in Blackshaw Moor between 24-26 May, or the Black Lion pub in Hollow Lane, Cheddleton between 22-23 May, also need to get a PCR test.
More information can be found at:
In addition to the extra walk in testing at Leek High School and St Edward’s School on Saturday, people can also book a PCR test at Leek Britannia HQ (Newton House) until 12 June via