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Staffordshire Councils Unite to Help Families with the Rising Cost of Living

Posted on Thursday 1st December 2022

Alan White

Councils across Staffordshire are working together to support county families and businesses manage the rising cost of living.

The Staffordshire Leaders Board heard today how the county council and every single district and borough council were taking steps to signpost people to support.

Alan White, Leader of Staffordshire County Council and Chair of the Board, said:

We all recognise the significant impact the rise in the cost of living is having on families.

The county council’s Here to Help campaign is signposting people to the help which they may be entitled to. This varies from shopping vouchers for eligible pensioners to help with holiday activities for low-income families over the Christmas school holidays.

The warmer homes scheme is also helping eligible residents with more affordable home heating solutions.

As always, our wonderful voluntary sector and communities across Staffordshire are also offering amazing support across the county, from low-cost food shops to warm community venues where people can meet for a chat and a drink.

We know we have more difficult months ahead, but it is the amazing community spirit which is once again making a real difference to families in the county.”

Other initiatives have included:

Cannock Chase District

• As well as creating dedicated web content with information and support available on energy costs working with organisations such as Beat the Cold, financial management and an online directory of local food banks, community tables, warm hubs, and community cafes; the council has held community events on the cost-of-living crisis working with its partners and set up a warm space at one of its leisure centres. Support will also be highlighted in an upcoming residents’ magazine and separate magazine for its tenants.

East Staffordshire Borough

• The council is providing a variety of support for residents, including Council Energy Tax rebates, a Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund for VCSE groups, support for people at risk of homelessness and rough sleeping, and opening up warm community spaces.

Lichfield District

• The council has made the ground floor of District Council House a Warm Space for residents on weekdays. This is part of a network of similar facilities being provided by organisations across the district, including Lichfield Cathedral.

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough

• Winter Warm Packs are being given to residents who are struggling financially and can’t afford to heat their homes. Funding has also been secured to purchase electric blankets, which will be given to the most vulnerable and those suffering from ill-health.

South Staffordshire District

• The council has introduced a ‘Cost of Living Checklist’ that focuses on three areas: internal controls, community support, and business support. A key component is the disbursement of a new grant – ‘Community is the Best Medicine’. This funding will support initiatives to help residents face the cost-of-living challenges.

Stafford Borough

• The council has established and funded a Food Distribution Hub to provide additional support to local foodbanks, working in partnership with the VCSE sector through a newly formed Community Interest Company. And has set up a scheme using venues across the borough as ‘warm spaces’ for residents.

Staffordshire Moorlands District

• The council has established a targeted communications approach, including a cost of living hub on their website, targeted social media posts, and improved communication of Local Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit information.

Tamworth Borough

• The council is opening their Assembly Rooms as a warm space and has developed cost of living advice pages on their website, signposting to warm spaces across the borough. They have also produced a winter leaflet, providing information on places to go locally for help and advice, including VCSE groups and libraries. This leaflet has been circulated to GP surgeries and shared with information about flu and Covid booster vaccines.

Staffordshire County

• The ‘Here to Help’ campaign and website is providing residents with information, advice, and signposting residents to local community support.

George Allen, Deputy Chair and Leader of East Staffordshire Borough Council said:

This united effort across Staffordshire means we can target those most in need and ensure people are aware of the help that is out there.”

The Leaders Board is now looking to set up a cross council group to collaborate locally where appropriate over the coming months.

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