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Hollinsclough CE Academy

 Admission arrangements 2022-2029


The Governors of Hollinsclough Church of England Academy act as the admissions authority for our academy and they will admit children each academic year in accordance with the official published admission for our Pre-school / Reception Foundation Class*. (*see section - Admissions Numbers & Admissions of Nursery Age Children below)

We also give consideration to accepting pupils into our other classes throughout the year if places are available.

All children are considered for admission to the academy irrespective of gender, race, creed, background, or disability within the maximum admission number each year.

Prospective parents are strongly recommended to make an appointment to come and view the academy and this can be arranged at a time suitable and convenient to parties.

Flexi-schooling applications

Parents can request a Flexi-schooling place in any age group for a child that qualifies to do so. Flexi-schooling admissions are treated in exactly the same manner as those who apply for a full-time place; no preference is given to either. The only caveat parents need to be aware of is that when a Flexi-schooling place is granted, it is done so at the sole grace and favour of our Principal and can be amended or revoked at any time without recourse to appeal at any level and the child in question required to attend our school full-time.

Catchment area

The ‘Parish of Hollinsclough’ represents the catchment area of the academy.  However, we will freely welcome applicants from out of catchment areas, including those from neighbouring local authorities and beyond.

Admission numbers

This number is reviewed annually. Our academic calendar commences in September each year, and the published admission number (PAN) is currently 8. Our school capacity is 60, which averages 8 per year group, although this can vary.

Following the changes made by the DfE to the School Admissions Code (2012) our Governors reserve the right to vary the PAN dependent on local circumstances without the need to consult.

Infant class legislation

Where meeting the Infant Class size Legislation (ICL) results in the separation of twins or siblings from multiple births, we are permitted to exceed the ICL to accommodate such occurrences.

This approach will also apply to the children of service personnel, crown servants, and British Council employees wishing to attend our academy.

Admissions of pre-school age children

We will consider admission to our Nursery class (which forms part of our Reception Foundation class), at the start of the next term following the child’s third birthday.

Attendance is currently funded up to 15 hours per week, but we will in some circumstances extend this to full week if it is requested - and if following review we determine it is in the best interests of the child – no additional charge is normally made, although we reserve the apply a charge at any time if other circumstances dictate.

Numbers accepted into this group will be limited to a maximum of 4 pupils; this could be increased or reduced if the Reception class numbers vary in a manner that suits.

We are able to work with parents to support medically identified continence issues following confirmation by a medical professional (family doctor), otherwise, children must be toilet trained before starting school.

Admissions of reception age children

We admit pupils on a full-time basis in the September preceding their fifth birthday. There is one admission annually for children starting in the Reception age group in September. Pupils may be admitted to the school in the September intake if their fifth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August. (See Deferred Entry). If places remain available after any cut off dates then these will remain available on a first come first served basis if there are no pupils on any waiting list in operation at that time.

It is expected that the Reception intake will not normally exceed eight pupils during a school year.

Parents / Carers are signposted to submit their applications either direct to the LA or to ourselves and we will in turn then forward the application to the LA. If any extra documentation is required to support the application, it must be submitted at the time of application.

If applications are not submitted by the published deadline, this may jeopardise the position applied for.

The closing date for applications is defined by our Local Authority - Staffordshire County Council.

Admissions procedure

The following set of documents has been produced to expedite the Admissions Procedure:-

  • If required a letter to prospective parents explaining the admission criteria.

  • An application form from the academy or online application via the local authority (LA)

  • A letter acknowledging receipt of the application from either the Academy or LA, stating when it will be considered.

  • A letter offering a place at our academy. or

  • A letter stating no place is available and to outline the initial appeals process. (To be used if the academy has reached maximum capacity).

Admissions of new entrants - in year transfers

When a pupil moves into the catchment area and is transferring from another school/academy, it may be necessary to effect immediate admission. In this event, authority to admit is delegated to the Principal, providing there is a place available.

If no place is available the Principal will inform the Chair of Governors, who in turn may use his / her power to act or in some cases convene a meeting of the Admissions Committee.

Parents are permitted to apply directly to our academy without the having to go through the LA for in year transfers.

Admissions criteria

In accordance with legislation, children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names Hollinsclough as being the most appropriate to meet the child’s needs will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

Our academy is a Church of England school, and as such, our religious character forms part of our admissions criteria. 

When required, all applications are considered against the following admissions criteria for pupils:

  1. Children in care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order), including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted

  2. Pupils of academy employed staff (employed for 2 years upwards) or those pupils of staff meeting a skills shortage.

  3. Pupils living within the catchment area that is defined as the ‘Parish of Hollinsclough’.

  4. Siblings of children who are still at the academy at the time of admission. This includes adopted, looked after or stepchildren living in the same household.

  5. Pupils whose siblings have attended the academy.

  6. Pupils who regularly attend a Church of England place of worship. A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.

  7. Pupils whose family has Christian links other than in the point above. A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required. In matters related to the religious character of our school we will when required consult our Diocesan Board of Education and its linked representatives to ensure we are complying with DBE Measure 1991

  8. Pupils with medical reasons which make it preferable to attend the academy rather than any other. Requests of a medical nature should be supported by a medical report, obtained by the parents, justifying the grounds for such an application.

  9. Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to the distance from the academy to the child’s home address, the shortest distance ranking first and the greatest distance ranking last.  Due to the remote rural location of our school and the safety and wellbeing of a child, this distance is measured from the child’s home address to the academy using roads only*.
    * The home address of a child is deemed as that of the parent  holds parental responsibility.

In general, we do not select on aptitude or ability; however, we may do so for Flexi-school applications if in granting such an application it would disadvantage the child. Our Principal is the only person who can determine this judgement and there no rights of appeal if a Flexi-schooling application is declined 

When required, all applications are considered against the above criteria, with no priority awarded to early applications. 

Late applications will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and if places are available. 

The Principal will make decisions regarding admissions, unless the admission number is exceeded or if the academy is over-subscribed overall. In such cases the Governing Body Admissions Committee will be responsible for determining the allocation of places and that the outcomes their discussions will take into account fully the admissions criteria.

Deferred entry into the reception class

Before deciding whether to defer their child’s entry into the academy, parents should visit to discuss how we will cater for the youngest children in Reception and how the needs of their child or children will be met as they move up through the academy.

Parents may request that their child be admitted to Reception Class on a part-time basis, or that their child be admitted into the academy later in the same academic year until the child reaches compulsory school age (i.e. beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday).

Our Governing Body will consider requests from parents to retain a place in the academy, if parents wish to defer their child’s entry to the Reception class until later in the academic year, or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age and requests that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. Where a place is deferred or part-time, these will be supported and will therefore not be available to be offered to any other child within the same academic year in which it has been offered.

Admission outside the normal age group

Parents may seek to apply for their child’s admission to our academy outside their normal age group, for example; if the child is exceptionally gifted and talented, or has experienced problems such as ill health. In addition, the parents of summer born children may choose not to send their child to school until the September following their fifth birthday and may request that they are admitted outside their normal age group to Reception rather than Year 1.

Applications will need to made alongside children applying at the normal age, and this application should explain why it is in the child’s best interest to be admitted outside their normal age which may include information such as professional evidence as to why this is the case and why an exception should be made in the case of the child.

A decision whether this is an appropriate course of action will be made by the Governors Admissions Committee who will take into account the circumstances of the case, and views of our Principal.

Parents do not have the right to insist that their child is admitted to a particular year group.

Governing body admissions committee / admissions appeals Committee

The Admissions Committee considers applications for admission to the academy when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, the panel will select pupils according to the published admissions criteria demonstrated in this document and in accordance with directives issued by the DfE.

Our Admissions Committee consists of our Chairman of Governors, along with three other Governors, one of whom will be the Foundation Governor ex-officio: The Principal Officiating Minister of the Parish of Longnor, our Principal, and one other Governor.

The Admissions Committee meets to consider admission applications only when required.

In the event of admission being refused, parents will be notified in writing of their right to appeal.

Appeals procedure

Should admission be refused, parents have the right to appeal against the decision.

The Principal will offer and, if required, give advice to the parents on the appeals procedure.

If the parents then decide to proceed with an appeal they will be required to make a formal approach in writing to the Chair of Governors, he/she would then set in motion arrangements for the Full Governing Body to meet and deliberate on the appeal request.

Over-subscription Criteria / waiting list

Our Over-subscription Criteria / Waiting list will be operated in a manner that matches the admissions criteria; this could mean that children new to the list may take priority over those already on the list.

Automatic priority will also be given to all children classed as ‘looked after’ or ‘post looked after’ by the LA this will also include children from outside England and Wales.

Once a parent places a child on our waiting list for admission, the child will remain on the list until a place becomes available.

If a place becomes available the parents of the first matched child on the list will be offered that place. If accepted the application is then processed. If the place is rejected by the parents then the child is removed from the list with immediate effect, unless mitigating circumstances exist. Re-applications may be considered.

In the event that we cannot distinguish between applicants using the criteria listed, such as in the case of children who live in the same area, then the child or children who will be offered the available spaces will be randomly selected. This process will be independently verified.

Withdrawal of an offer or place

As an admission authority, we will not withdraw an offer unless it has been offered in error, a prospective parent has not responded within a reasonable period of time, or it is established that the offer was obtained through a fraudulent or intentionally misleading application. 

Where the parent has not responded to the offer, as the admission authority, we will give the parent a further opportunity to respond and explain that the offer may be withdrawn if they do not respond within 7 days. 

Where an offer is withdrawn based on misleading or false information, the application will be reconsidered, and a right of appeal offered if an offer is refused.

Implementation of the policy and procedure

Our academy will manage the implementation of this policy and procedure with the support and guidance of the Local Authority.


This document and its intentions will always reflect the present and future needs of all stakeholders and to support this we are always open to suggestions for changes and alterations of and to any specific individual provision/requirement to ensure full access to all.

This policy is to be reviewed by Governors each year usually during autumn term and amended accordingly and in line with the relevant Admissions Code and other legislative directives.

Governors will conduct a full consultation with stakeholders in the autumn of 2027 for implementation from September 2029 (7 years max).

Admission arrangements 2021/2022 & 2020/2021


The Governors of Hollinsclough Church of England Academy act as the admissions authority for our academy and they will admit children each academic year in accordance with the official published admission for our Nursery / Reception / Foundation Class*. (*see section - Admissions Numbers & Admissions of Nursery Age Children below)

We also give consideration to accepting pupils into our other classes throughout the year if places are available.

All children are considered for admission to the academy irrespective of gender, race, creed, background, or disability within the maximum admission number each year.

Prospective parents are strongly recommended to make an appointment to come and view the academy and this can be arranged at a time suitable and convenient to parties.

Catchment area

The catchment area of the academy is represented by the Benefice of Longnor. However, we welcome applicants from out of catchment, including those from neighbouring local authorities.

Admission numbers

This number is reviewed annually. Our academic calendar commences in September each year, and the published admission number (PAN) is currently 8. Our school capacity is 60, which averages 8 per year group, although this can vary.

Following the changes made by the DfE to the School Admissions Code (2012) our Governors reserve the right to vary the PAN dependent on local circumstances without the need to consult.

Infant class legislation

Where meeting the Infant Class size Legislation (ICL) results in the separation of twins or siblings from multiple births, we are permitted to exceed the ICL to accommodate such occurrences.

This approach will also apply to the children of service personnel, crown servants, and British Council employees wishing to attend our academy.

Admissions of nursery age children

We will consider admission to our Nursery class (which forms part of our Reception Foundation class), at the start of the next term following the child’s third birthday. Attendance is currently funded up to 15 hours per week, but we will in some circumstances extend this to full week if it is requested - and if following review we determine it is in the best interests of the child – no additional charge is normally made, although we reserve the right to apply a charge at any time if other circumstances dictate. Numbers accepted into this group will be limited to a maximum of 4 pupils; this could be increased or reduced if the Reception class numbers vary in a manner that suits.

We are able to work with parents to support medically identified continence issues following confirmation by a medical professional (family doctor), otherwise, children must be toilet trained before starting school.

Admissions of reception age children

Pupils are admitted on a full-time basis in the September preceding their 5th birthday. There is one admission annually for children starting in the Reception age group in September. Pupils may be admitted to the school in the September intake if their fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August. (See Deferred Entry). If places remain available after any cut off dates then these will remain available on a 'first come, first served' basis if there are no pupils on any waiting list in operation at that time.

It is expected that the Reception intake will not normally exceed 8 pupils during a school year.

Parents / Carers are signposted to submit their applications either direct to the LA or to ourselves and we will in turn then forward the application to the LA. If any extra documentation is required to support the application, it must be submitted at the time of application.

If applications are not submitted by the published deadline, this may jeopardise the position applied for.

The closing date for applications is defined by our Local Authority - Staffordshire County Council.

Admissions procedure

The following set of documents has been produced to expedite the Admissions Procedure:-

  • If required a letter to prospective parents explaining the admission criteria.

  • An application form from the academy or online application via the local authority (LA)

  • A letter acknowledging receipt of the application from either the Academy or LA, stating when it will be considered.

  • A letter offering a place at our academy. or

  • A letter stating no place is available and to outline the initial appeals process. (To be used if the academy has reached maximum capacity).

Admissions of new entrants - in year transfers (2012 code)

When a pupil moves into the catchment area and is transferring from another school/academy, it may be necessary to effect immediate admission. In this event, authority to admit is delegated to the Principal, providing there is a place available.

If no place is available the Principal will inform the Chair of Governors, who in turn may use his / her power to act or in some cases convene a meeting of the Admissions Committee.

Parents are permitted to apply directly to our academy without the having to go through the LA for in year transfers.

Admissions criteria

In accordance with legislation, children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names Hollinsclough as being the most appropriate to meet the child’s needs will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

The following points form our admissions criteria for pupils:

  • Looked after children (‘relevant looked after child’ means a child who is looked after or previously looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989

  • Pupils of academy employed staff (employed for 2 years upwards) or those pupils of staff meeting a skills shortage.

  • Pupils living within the catchment area that is defined as the ‘Benefice of Longnor’.

  • Siblings of children who are still at the academy at the time of admission. This includes adopted, looked after or stepchildren living in the same household.

  • Pupils whose siblings have attended the academy.

  • Pupils who regularly attend a Church of England place of worship. A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.

  • Pupils whose family have Christian links other than in the point above. A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.

  • Pupils with medical reasons which make it preferable to attend the academy rather than any other. Requests of a medical nature should be supported by a medical report, obtained by the parents, justifying the grounds for such an application.

  • Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to the distance from the academy to the child’s home address, the shortest distance ranking first and the greatest distance ranking last. This distance is measured from the child’s home address to the academy and due to our rural location will need to take into account geographical considerations.

All applications are considered against the above criteria, with no priority awarded to early applications. Late applications will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

The Principal will make decisions regarding admissions, unless the admission number is exceeded or if the academy is over-subscribed. In such cases the Governing Body Admissions Committee will be responsible for determining the allocation of places and that the outcomes their discussions will take into account fully the admissions criteria.

Deferred entry into the reception class

Before deciding whether to defer their child’s entry into the academy, parents should visit to discuss how we will cater for the youngest children in Reception and how the needs of their child or children will be met as they move up through the academy.

Parents may request that their child be admitted to Reception Class on a part-time basis, or that their child be admitted into the academy later in the same academic year until the child reaches compulsory school age (i.e. beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday).

Our Governing Body will consider requests from parents to retain a place in the academy, if parents wish to defer their child’s entry to the Reception class until later in the academic year, or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age and requests that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. Where a place is deferred or part-time, these will be supported and will therefore not be available to be offered to any other child within the same academic year in which it has been offered.

Admission outside the normal age group

Parents may seek to apply for their child’s admission to our academy outside their normal age group, for example; if the child is exceptionally gifted and talented, or has experienced problems such as ill health. In addition, the parents of summer born children may choose not to send their child to school until the September following their fifth birthday and may request that they are admitted outside their normal age group to Reception rather than Year 1.

Applications will need to made alongside children applying at the normal age, and this application should explain why it is in the child’s best interest to be admitted outside their normal age which may include information such as professional evidence as to why this is the case and why an exception should be made in the case of the child.

A decision whether this is an appropriate course of action will be made by the Governors Admissions Committee who will take into account the circumstances of the case, and views of our Principal.

Parents do not have the right to insist that their child is admitted to a particular year group.

Governing body admissions committee / admissions appeals committee

The Admissions Committee considers applications for admission to the academy when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, the panel will select pupils according to the published admissions criteria demonstrated in this document and in accordance with directives issued by the DfE.

Our Admissions Committee consists of our Chairman of Governors, along with three other Governors, one of whom will be the Foundation Governor ex-officio: The Principal Officiating Minister of the Parish of Longnor, our Principal, and one other Governor.

The Admissions Committee meets to consider admission applications only when required.

In the event of admission being refused, parents will be notified in writing of their right to appeal.

Appeals procedure

Should admission be refused, parents have the right to appeal against the decision.

The Principal will offer and, if required, give advice to the parents on the appeals procedure.

If the parents then decide to proceed with an appeal they will be required to make a formal approach in writing to the Chair of Governors, he/she would then set in motion arrangements for the Full Governing Body to meet and deliberate on the appeal request.

Over-subscription criteria / waiting list

Our Over-subscription Criteria / Waiting list will be operated in a manner that matches the admissions criteria; this could mean that children new to the list may take priority over those already on the list.

Priority will be given to those classed as ‘looked after children’ by the LA.

Once a parent places a child on our waiting list for admission, the child will remain on the list until a place becomes available.

If a place becomes available the parents of the first matched child on the list will be offered that place. If accepted the application is then processed. If the place is rejected by the parents then the child is removed from the list with immediate effect, unless mitigating circumstances exist. Re-applications may be considered.

Implementation of the policy and procedure

Our academy will manage the implementation of this policy and procedure with the support and guidance of the Local Authority.


This document and its intentions will always reflect the present and future needs of all stakeholders and to support this we are always open to suggestions for changes and alterations of and to any specific individual provision/requirement to ensure full access to all.

This policy is to be reviewed by Governors each year usually during autumn term and amended accordingly and in line with the 2012 Admissions Code will conduct a full consultation with stakeholders in the autumn of 2020 for implementation from January 2021 (7 years max).

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