Support Staff Job Profiles
As part of the implementation of the Single Status Agreement (1997), a School Support Staff Job Profiles Framework was established. The Framework defined over 500 school support staff job profiles covering administrative, technical, teaching support and premises management roles, which were developed in consultation with Headteachers and Trade Unions.
The purpose of the Framework is that it properly reflects the roles of support staff in schools. To ensure this happens the Framework is still subject to additional profiles.
Job Profile Evaluation
If schools require a new position within their staffing establishment, the framework should be checked in the first instance for a suitable profile and seek advice from their HR Provider. If no suitable profile can be identified, schools may submit a request for a new profile to be evaluated. Profiles must be submitted in the standard format and emailed to your HR Provider.
The HR Provider should review the profile against those within the framework (via your SLN access if they do not have such) and discuss requirements with the school. This will then be forwarded as appropriate to the corporate JE team for evaluation.