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Health and wellbeing strategy 2018 - 2023




What is in this strategy

  • A reminder of the previous strategy (2013-18) what it achieved.

  • A reminder about what Health and Wellbeing Boards are here to do.

  • A summary of the key health and care Issues that affect Staffordshire.

  • Our new approach.

Thinking about the lifecourse

Starting well

Giving children the best start:

  • Parenting 

  • School readiness

Growing well

Maximising potential and ability:

  • Education

  • NEET (not in education, employment or training)

  • In care

Living well

Making good lifestyle choices:

  • Alcohol

  • Drugs

  • Lifestyle and mental wellbeing

Aging well

Sustaining independence, choice and control:

  • Dementia
  • Falls prevention
  • Frail elderly

Ending well

Ensuring care and support at the end of life.



What have we done and what are we doing?  Back to top

What have we done?

  • Successfully focused on work with children and families.

  • We have learnt from using public health funding to deliver locality commissioning.

  • We have and are working with district councils.

  • We have started to open up conversations with the public.

  • We have explored approaches that identify and help isolated older people.

  • We have developed and adapted our approach to alcohol and drugs strategy.

What are we doing?

  • Developing an approach to considering health in all our decisions making (health in all policies)

  • Developing a place-based approach working with district councils, local GP groups and communities

  • Championing work to reduce physical inactivity

A statutory duty: what health and wellbeing boards are expected to do

The Health and wellbeing board must:

  • Receive reports to help us understand the key health and care issues in Staffordshire. We do this through a document called the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA).

  • Use this information to develop a strategy (like this one). We also ensure that organisations in local government and the NHS take account of the strategy when they prepare their plans.

  • Aim to bring organisations together by encouraging organisations to share budgets, and to cooperate when they buy health and care services.

  • Talk to the public and to have more honest public discussions about what affects health and wellbeing, and what is affordable in future.

  • Ensure that health and care services are accountable to your elected representatives (councillors).



Staffordshire in detail: what do we know?  Back to top

Our demographic, out of every 100 people:

In the total population

  • 83 are aged 16 or over, and 17 are aged under 16 years.

  • Nearly 1 in 5 people aged over 65.

  • 24 live in rural areas and 76 in urban areas.

  • 9 live in one of the 20% most deprived areas nationally (nearly 1 in every 10 people).

  • 5 have been the victim of crime.

  • 12 provide unpaid care.

  • 19 have long-term illness or disability (nearly 1 in every 5 people).

Aged under 16

  • 4 are allocated to a social worker.

  • 14 live in poverty.

  • 70 are school ready.

  • 56 achieve A*-C grade GCSEs including English and Maths.

Aged 16-64

  • 79 adults are employed.

  • 1 adult claims jobseekers allowance.

  • 53 are qualified to NVQ Level 3+.

  • 10 adults have no formal qualifications.

  • More than 4 in 10 people.

Aged 16+

  • 76 voted in the EU referendum. 28 voted remain, 48 voted leave and 24 did note vote in the EU referendum.

  • 87 are satisfied with their area as a place to live.

  • 26 are financially stressed.

  • 69 carry excess weight (nearly 7 out of 10 people). 43 are overweight and 26 are obese.

  • 28 take part in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week.



The issues  Back to top

Start well and grow well

Insight tells us that for every 100 children in Staffordshire the majority will be growing up in stable, loving households. However, of the same 100 children:

  • 4 have a social worker

  • 14 live in poverty

  • 15 have disability or special educational needs

  • 2 will have been impacted by domestic abuse, parental mental health issues or substance misuse.

Grow well and live well

  • 21% are aged 65+

  • 1:4 are clinically obese

  • 1:14 are diabetic

  • 1:3 children are overweight

  • 1:16 will develop dementia

  • Healthy life expectancy gap 12 years

  • Around 3:10 are inactive


  • The cost of obesity is £100 million.

  • The cost of diabetes is £158 million.

  • The cost of poor mental ill-health is £1.7 billion.

  • The cost of dementia is £400 million.

  • Cost of falls admissions is £10 million.

Other information

  • About 40% of ill-health can be prevented if more people stop smoking, drink less, eat more healthily and get active.

  • There are significant differences in health across the county. People from communities where people work, have good education and good jobs tend to live about 6 years longer, and have an extra 12 years in good health, than people from communities where people have less qualifications, low skilled jobs or are unemployed.

  • These health inequalities matter because of the greater need for services that come from areas of higher need.

Age well

In Staffordshire, a man born today can expect to live for 80 years and a woman can expect to live for 83 years.

People can expect to reach 64 years of age before their health issues start to become a problem. This means that people spend nearly a quarter of their lives (15-20 years) in progressively poorer health. A growing number of people have:

  • one or more long-term conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart disease)

  • many long term conditions are caused by unhealthy lifestyles choices

  • we know that half of people aged over 65 have a limiting long-term illness which restricts their daily activity

  • we are also seeing a significant rise in the number of people with dementia. In Staffordshire we expect to see nearly 15,000 people with dementia by 2025

The current system is unaffordable

The ageing population will have huge implications for health and care services:

  • Demand for health and care services is already putting a significant strain on the system.

  • There is a reducing pool of people of working age to pay for people in their retirement.

  • There is a reducing pool of people who will work in health and social care services.

  • In 1985 for every person that was retired there were 5 people in work, whereas by 2030 for every retired person there will only be 2 people in work.



What does all this tell us?  Back to top

  • We have unprecedented and growing demand for health and care services.

  • This demand is down to the increasing age of our population but is made worse by modern lifestyles.

  • We cannot continue to afford health or care services we all need to find new ways of doing things.

  • …this means that people across Staffordshire will need to take more control of their own health and lifestyle choices because they understand that this is easier than living for many years with a limiting illness that stops them living a full and enjoyable life.

  • Public sector services have a duty to support this by creating a healthy environment that helps people to live more healthily.



We need to do better: a new approach  Back to top

Why a new strategy?

  • We have a statutory duty to deliver a health and wellbeing strategy. This is an opportunity for us all to tackle some of these really big problems.

  • We want to build upon the previous living well strategy.

  • This strategy reflects the fact that the world has moved on since 2013.

  • We need to develop a new, strategic, approach across a wide range of different organisations.

Our approach


To help people stay as well as they can to reduce the growing pressure on services.


More people living beyond age 64 in good health.


By talking to people about how they can take a bigger role in staying healthy by improving their knowledge, their lifestyles and their mental health.

Taking responsibility and making it happen


  • We will improve data sharing between organisations to improve how we find people, who are likely to have poor health, to help them stay healthy and well.

  • We will use modern approaches like smartphone apps to help us.


  • We will actively talk with the public about health and what matters to them.

  • We will seek to mobilise public support to reduce the growing pressure on public sector services.

  • We will have conversations with workplaces about being healthy.


  • We will make sure that health is included in all of our policies and decisions

  • We will work with the private sector to help us improve health and well-being.


  • We will help people to understand what is available in their neighbourhood to help them to stay well.

  • We will encourage and support people to stay well in their own communities.

  • We will encourage our staff to have conversations in communities to help people take more control over their health.

What we all need to do to promote and encourage greater personal responsibility

  • We need to identify what will help people to stay well for longer (plan).

  • We need to make sure that the health and wellbeing board is able to strategically lead this agenda.

  • We will hold the system to account for delivery against this priority (measure).

  • We will make sure that we talk, to the public, about how you can stay well and independent.



Our challenge  Back to top

  • To develop good relationships with all our partners.

  • To act as the focus for prevention and wellness across the system.

  • To help more people stay as well as they can for longer:

    • housing

    • private sector - corporate social responsibility

    • employers and their workforce

    • Department for Work and Pensions

    • providers of services e.g hospitals or GPs

    • highways

    • leisure industry

    • schools

    • planners

    • retailers

    • voluntary sector

    • communities - people helping people



How will we know that we have succeeded?  Back to top

Our ambition is to increase the amount of time people can stay well and avoid long term health conditions.

We will track this by developing our measures. They may include things like:

  • Helping people of all ages to stay mentally well:

    • reductions in social isolation

    • children’s emotional health and wellbeing

    • vulnerable people (e.g. homeless people)

  • Supporting people of all ages to have more healthy lifestyles

    • increase physical activity

    • reductions in obesity

    • continued reductions in smoking

    • reduction in falls



Next steps  Back to top

  1. We will consult on this strategy and our focus on wellness.

  2. We will develop our baseline and our measures.

  3. We will develop our approach and build on the public conversations that we have already held.

  4. We will review our partnerships and governance to be assured that our approach is making a difference.

  5. We will develop the leadership role of the health and wellbeing board for prevention as well as giving democratic legitimacy to the work of our colleagues across the health and care system.



Printable version  Back to top

This strategy is also available as a printable PDF document:

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