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PA Calculator

Calculating the PA hourly rate

The PA hourly rate calculator calculates the suggested hourly rate payable as a guide based on the information you provide. We are not liable for any claims made by you or your staff relating to the information provided.

For assistance calculating holiday entitlement, a tool is available on the government's website, calculate holiday entitlement (select full year entitlement if information is being used to populate calculator below).

PA detail

Provide details in the boxes below and then click on the 'Calculate' button.
per hour
Using payroll provider?:
per year
up to £90
(per year)
up to 5.6 weeks
(full year)

Calculated maximum pay

Maximum rate if your PA...
...does not have a pension
£:   per hour
...pays their pension directly from their wage
£:   per hour
...pays into a private pension and claims tax relief
£:   per hour
Note: If you pay the maximum rate there will be no room to increase the pay to your PA.

If your PA has worked for you for 2 years or more you should follow advice provided by Gov.UK about redundancy.

If you have any questions or require further support please contact us.

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