Raising concerns
It is important that you are aware of how to raise a concern with either your employer or with the safeguarding team if you believe a person’s safety is at risk.
Employment issues
There may be times that you feel are needed to talk to someone about any concerns you have regarding your work, or the care that is being delivered to you.
We recommend where possible to try and resolve an issue together between Personal Assistant and the Employer, making sure you are being open and honest. It might require a difficult conversation, so it is best to prepare before starting any conversations.
If you need guidance on how to do this. Skills for Care have a webpage on Sorting out Problems between a Personal Assistant and an Employer.
If you are unable to resolve the issue directly and need employment advice you can contact the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS). Find out more on their the ACAS website.
Safeguarding Concerns
If you think someone who has care and support needs is being abused or think their safety is at risk, then it is important to report your concerns to us by calling the number below.
You must never assume that somebody else will recognise and report what you have seen or heard.
Where a crime has been committed or if you are worried about someone's immediate safety, contact the police by dialling 999.
British Sign Language (BSL) speakers can make a free video call to 999 using the 999 BSL website or app.
You can also contact the Relay UK Service if you have accessibility needs. Further information is available at Relay UK.
To report concerns about an adult please contact us:
Phone: 0345 604 2719
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
A trained member of staff will be available between 9am - 5pm, Monday-Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
For more information around safeguarding concerns, please visit Staffordshire County Councils webpage on Protecting adults from abuse - Staffordshire County Council
Remember that abuse can be in many forms such as:
- Physical abuse
- Domestic abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Financial abuse
- Modern slavery abuse
- Discrimination abuse
- Organisational abuse
- Neglect and acts of omission
- Self-neglect