Equipment and adaptations
Our Occupational Therapy team works with children and young people with a disability who live in Staffordshire. This enables them to carry out everyday activities more safely and easily in their home.
Available support
A wide variety of support is available which may include:
- Suggesting alternative ways of doing a task.
- Arranging the loan of equipment to help care for a child or young person or to enable him/her to be independent.
- Recommending and arranging funding for minor building adaptations, identified as essential to a child or young person's safety or independence.
- Arranging a direct payment for the purchase of recommended equipment or minor adaptations.
- Referral for a disabled facilities grant for major adaptations to a child or young person's home, where necessary.
- Advice on building alterations and the purchase of disability equipment.
- Advice on grants to provide some specialist equipment.
- Signposting to different or more appropriate services if necessary.
If you feel your child might need our services please contact the Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service. Lines are open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm:
Online: Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service
Phone: 0300 111 8007
Other organisations who can help
Information on other organisations who provide advice and support on equipment is available below.