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Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service

We are a county-wide telephone enquiry service for all children who:

  • live in Staffordshire

  • are aged from pre-birth to 18 years old

  • do not currently have an allocated worker

Have you got a serious concern about the safety of a child or young person up to the age of 18?

Do you think a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed?

Are you worried that a child is living in circumstances where they are treated badly and not cared for properly?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions and you don’t believe that the child or young person is being supported by an allocated worker, please contact the Staffordshire Childrens Advice & Support Service immediately.

Is the child at risk of immediate harm?

If you believe the child to be at risk of immediate harm, this must be reported to the police on 999 or 101. Once you have reported to the police, please contact Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service or Emergency Duty Team.

If you are contacting us about someone over the age of 18 please report this to the  adult safeguarding team.

Please note: If the child you are contacting us about already has a dedicated worker please contact them directly in the first instance.

Report a concern

Phone: 0300 111 8007 and select option 1.

Ideally we would want to receive all enquiries by telephone so that we can gather all necessary information in a timely manner and make sure that parental agreement has been obtained from those with parental responsibility unless this places an adult or child at risk of harm.

If you cannot reach us by phone, please make your enquiry online.

For your information before making your enquiry you may wish to check the procedures online website for a glossary of relevant terminology.

Opening times

  • Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Out of hours

Outside the hours above, or on weekends and bank holidays, please contact the Emergency Duty Team by phoning 0345 604 2886.


Please refer to the threshold document on the Staffordshire Safeguarding Children's Board website to make sure that your enquiry is in relation to tier 3 or 4 services as Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service does not deal with tier 2 referrals these can be made by yourself direct to your local tier 2 service.

The Staffordshire Connects website provides a wealth of services that professionals and families can access without an enquiry being made to Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service (if you type in 'Family Support Providers' in the Children’s Centres and Parenting section it will provide you with the contact details for your local tier 2 family support services.) Parents or carers should always be informed that you are contacting us, unless to do so would place them or the children at risk of harm. 

Adding supporting documents

If you have already made your enquiry by telephone and wish to submit any forms to support your enquiry you can add these online.

 Education Safeguarding Advice Service (ESAS)

The education safeguarding advice service is for educational professionals to seek non-urgent safeguarding advice. 01785 895836  

This service does not replace the Staffordshire Advice and Support service (SCAS) and referrals for early help from the Family Practitioner service and all social work assessments including child in need, child protection and LADO referrals should be made directly into SCAS on 0300 111 8007.


Further information

Earliest help

Find family support providers on Staffordshire Connects.

Spotting child sexual exploitation 

Information about recognising, avoiding and supporting children regards child sexual exploitation, grooming, sexting and online safety can be found on these websites:


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