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Reparation orders

What is it?

It lasts 3 months and is made by the court to enable you to make good the harm your offending behaviour has caused. The Order will be supervised by the Youth Offending Service.

What will I have to do?

Whilst the main purpose of the order is to ensure that you make some form of reparation we will also work with you to help you understand the effect your offending has had on everyone, including yourself, and to try to prevent you from re-offending in the future.

You may be asked to:

  • Write a letter of explanation to the victim of your offence.
  • Meet the victim, if they want to, so that you can explain why you did what you did and apologise in person.
  • Carry out some practical work for the victim or the community to make good the harm your behaviour caused.
  • Attend victim awareness sessions with a Youth Offending Service Officer.

What are the rules?

  • You must report for all the appointments given to you by the Youth Offending officer.
  • Attend all reparation sessions you are given and complete the number of hours set by the court.
  • Tell the officer if you change your address.
  • Allow your officer to see you at home when required

What happens if I do not keep to the rules?

  • You will be asked for an explanation by your supervising officer, who will then decide if your reason is acceptable or not.
  • If your explanation is unacceptable you will be given a warning. Further failures will result in you being returned to court and you being given a harsher sentence.

What if I have problems with the programme?

  • We want your order to succeed. If you have any problems in completing the order let your officer know as soon as possible and we will try to help.

What happens if I don’t co-operate?

  • If you do not co-operate with the Reparation Order will be returned to Court.
  • If you Reparation Order was made in the Crown Court, you may have to go back to the Crown Court to be sentenced.
  • The court will ask your supervising officer why you have not completed the order to help them decide what action to take.
  • This could include receiving a harsher court order.

What do parents or carers need to do?

  • Support your child through the order to prevent further offending.
  • Take time to talk to your child about the work they have been asked to do.

  • Contact the youth offending officer if you have any concerns or questions about the order and need support yourself.

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