Date received: 12 June 2024
Signatures received: 1076
Name of petitioner: Sue Bell
Petition response:
RECEIPT OF PETITION – Conduct Structural Repairs to the A519 Cotes Heath to Mill Meece
I refer to the petition, signed by local residents regarding the request regarding the request for structural repairs to be undertaken for the A519 between Mill Meece and Cotes Heath. I can advise you that receipt of the petition will be reported to County Councillor Jeremy Pert.
Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the condition of the A519 between Nelson Crescent and Mill Meece railway bridge to our attention through your petition. County Councillor Jeremy Pert has also raised this matter at the most recent full council meeting and referenced your petition whilst doing so.
This section of the A519 is well known to our Asset Management Team and has been identified as a structural scheme through our condition surveys, and has been recorded as a priority. The budget estimate for the work suggests a cost in the region of £3.4M.
All structural maintenance priorities including this site have been presented to Cabinet leads for consideration. At this time, the political strategy remains to focus capitally funded structural maintenance schemes on urban principal routes or gateway locations. This A519 scheme is not included in the structural programme for 2024/25. Draft programmes for 2025/26 and 2026/27 are currently being developed and these will need to be presented to Cabinet leads for their consideration in due course.
In the meantime there are other sections of the A519 which will be receiving preventative treatment where the conditions are suitable for this type of work. These sections of the A519 are towards Forton, Hanchurch and a section of the A519 from Nelson Crescent to 400 m south of the A51 Stone Road.
Thank you once again for your petition and for bringing this matter to our attention.
Yours sincerely
Richard Rayson
Community Highways Manager