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After a period of time, the child’s progress with parents/carers will need to be reviewed with any other relevant professionals.  Regular reviews are needed to share information, review progress, evaluate interventions and make appropriate refinements.

It is important to look at the child’s progress overall against the early learning goals.  Revisiting the initial assessments and assessing the same areas again will give some useful information in order to assess progress.  Information about how any support has been implemented (including how often it took place, who delivered it and how engaged the child was) is also needed as well as any other information.

There are a number of actions that could be concluded from the review:

    • the child has made accelerated progress and the level of support can be reduced to encourage more independence
    • the child has made expected progress and the level of support needs to continue
    • the child has not made expected progress and the intervention needs to be refined
    • advice from specialist support services is required
    • a referral to the Early Years Forum is needed

 If the outcome of the review meeting is that significant concerns remain about the child's needs and progress over time and they are likely to need significant support in school to access the curriculum, an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan may be considered.  Please contact the Early Years Forum for more details.

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