Contacts and useful links
Contact details
Neighbouring authorities
Useful links
Many of the answers to your queries can be found on the frequently asked questions pages:
Please check whether the information has already been provided before contacting the service.
You can contact the School Admissions and Transport Service by:
Email: admissions
Telephone: 0300 111 8007 (select the option for 'School Admissions & Transport')
Fax: 01785 278656
School Admissions and Transport Service,
Staffordshire County Council,
1 Staffordshire Place,
ST16 2DH
Schools guide
The schools guide gives you lots of information to help you choose a school.
Staffordshire SEND Family Partnership
Information, advice and support about education, health and social care issues for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Department for Education
The Department for Education is the government site for education. The site also provides parents with the facility to search schools in England and view school performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data.
Please view the School Admissions Code and School Appeals Code.
Independent Schools Council
The Independent Schools Council exists to promote choice, diversity and excellence in education, the development of talent at all levels of ability and the widening of opportunity for children from all backgrounds to achieve their potential.
Ofsted is the inspectorate for children and learners in England. It is their job to contribute to the provision of better education and care through effective inspection and regulation. This link takes you to the area of the Ofsted website where you can search for copies of school inspection reports.
Diocese information
- Diocese of Lichfield is the website for of the Church of England in Stoke and Staffordshire, the northern half of Shropshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton and north Sandwell.
- The Birmingham Diocesan Schools Commission aim to:
- identify and respond to the implications and opportunities for schools of central government initiatives, legislation and local education policy
- secure the supply of school places for Catholic children
- ensure quality provision of school buildings
- secure effective Catholic leaders and managers for our schools
- secure effective governance of schools and accountability for meeting the schools aims and mission statement and ensuring 'quality' in terms of gospel values and the standards agenda
Advisory Centre for Education
The Advisory Centre for Education is an independent charity which has been helping parents for over 40 years when problems arise with their children's education during compulsory school years.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator
The main functions of the Office of the Schools Adjudicator are as follows:
- to determine objections to admission arrangements
- to resolve disputes where there is local disagreement on statutory proposals for school reorganisation or on the transfer and disposal of non-playing field land and assets
- to decide on competitions for new schools where the local authority has entered the competition with its own proposals
- to decide on requests to vary determined admission arrangements
- to determine appeals from schools against a direction from the local authority to admit a particular pupil
Please see the most recent report to the schools adjudicator:
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The Local government and social care ombudsman looks at complaints about councils and some other authorities, including education admissions appeal panels.
Get the right school
Get the right school is a public interest site focused on getting your child into the school of your choice.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
For information on starting or joining a PTA.
Please note: We are not responsible for the content of external websites.
We would appreciate feedback in relation to how useful you found the information and the accessibility of the information provided on our web pages.