Section 11 – HAF Programme 2023/24
Plans for you 2023/24 HAF programme
In 2023 we will have 4 key priorities for HAF which have been built on the previous two years’ experience. We will focus on:
- Developing our SEND offer
- Developing our approach to inclusion
- Increasing the take up of HAF by Children considered vulnerable.
- increase the breadth of provision available across all areas of the county to be part of the family hub model.
In addition we will
- Accelerate inclusivity of all HAF provision in Staffordshire. Working with our providers we will seek to ensure that all provision is inclusive and promotes, knowledge and wellbeing. We will take learning from SEND, Aiming High, feedback from providers, Children and Carers, ensuring that learning is shared, quality assuring this with a robust Q&A framework and developing our training offer for providers.
- We will work to ensure maximum take up of HAF places throughout the County. Working with parents, carers and partners, we will ensure that there is shared learning on why places are not taken up to ensure maximum usage.
- We are working to develop a web based registration approach to the HAF programme. By summer, we expect to have introduced real time attendance reporting enabling us to shift grant to more successful clubs and/or increase the communication around the less successful HAF clubs.
- Work closer with schools on the 2023/24 HAF. Schools will have a greater role on the Comms, supporting and encouraging eligible children’s awareness and attendance. Data analysis projects are in place to identify individual schools take-up/non use of HAF programme to identify options to improve the awareness and increase a wider attendance.