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Contact us - Elective Home Education

Email:  electivehomeeducation@staffordshire.gov.uk

Please note

If you are choosing to electively home educate please see our guidance notes for parents.

If you have any other enquiries about education, please call:

Phone: 0300 111 8000


If you feel that your child’s current school isn’t the right place for them, you may want to consider applying for a place at another school. The School Admissions team can support with this.

Email: admissions@staffordshire.gov.uk

Careers and Participation

Staffordshire County Council's Careers and Participation team are a support service for young people in Staffordshire. They offer careers interviews and guidance across a range of subjects, such as education and training options, future careers and job searching.

They work with young people aged 14-19 and up to 25 years of age if they have an education health and care plan.

Email: careersparticipation@staffordshire.gov.uk

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