How parents and carers can help
How to help your child with SEND prepare for and manage changes to travel arrangements
Changes which may seem small to others can be huge for those with SEND.
The review team provide advance notice of changes to allow you to prepare your child for the transition and you may find the following steps helpful:
Talk about it
Make your child or young person aware of the possibility for change and encourage them to express any concerns they may have if they are able to do so.
Contact the transport provider
We do not provide transport companies with your email or telephone contact information. You are encouraged to make a connection with new provider as soon as possible; to exchange contact information and start to build a rapport.
Arrange a meet and greet
You may find it helpful to arrange to meet the new driver and passenger assistant in advance of new arrangements starting to ease anxieties around the upcoming change.
Provide an "All About Me" sheet
An All About Me sheet is a great way to share important information about your child and puts all important information, that you wish to share, in one place.
There are some examples below. Other templates are readily available on the internet.
All About Me template
One page profile template