Expressions of interest for Staffordshire Enhanced District Support (SEDIS)
Lichfield and Staffordshire Moorlands
As part of our ongoing work to improve special education needs and disabilities (SEND) provision for children, young people and their families in Staffordshire, we have been working with partners to develop a pre-statutory Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support Model (SEDIS). The model will provide mainstream educational settings with the resources and support to deliver the graduated approach.
The Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support Model (SEDIS) will build upon the current graduated approach for SEND and develop the existing district model and locality working.
This will make sure children and young people in Staffordshire can access high quality provision which meets their individual needs, when they need it, in their local mainstream educational setting, without the need for a formal diagnosis or Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Our aspiration is to commission Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support (SEDIS) teams made up of Staffordshire schools. These SEDIS teams will provide outreach and in-reach provision to other schools in their districts.
How to submit an expression of interest
After the first two rounds of expressions of interest, and following a period of evaluation and moderation, we have awarded contracts in six of the eight districts in Staffordshire. We now invite local educational settings to submit a formal expression of interest to become SEDIS providers in the remaining districts: Lichfield and Staffordshire Moorlands.
Read these document and use the form to express an interest:
Completed documents should be sent by email to:
The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 28 February 2025.
Pre-submission clarifications
If you would like to seek clarification or have questions about the above process, please email: We will publish pre-submission clarification responses on this web page for your consideration.
Clarification: I'm just checking through the documentation for the SEDIS model and in the introductory information under 1.4 it states that applications will not be considered from independent schools. We are independent and XXXX school will also be independent. Does that mean we won't be eligible to submit an expression of interest?
Response: In clause 1.4 in the SEDIS Model Expressions of Interest document, it specifies that applications from independent/private schools, specialist post-16 providers, and training providers will not be considered.
Clarification: I am just working on our SEDIS application. Can I confirm whether you are looking for lead providers to focus/specialise on one particular area of SEND support or whether a setting can meet different areas of need due to individual skills and expertise, this is acceptable and we would therefore list all appropriate areas of SEND on the form?
Response: We are looking at SEDIS Providers who are able to support across a range of needs.
Clause 3.6 of the service specification states:
3.6: A request for SEDIS may be made to seek support for a range of reasons, including the following:
- Addressing challenges with cognition/learning, social emotional, social communication, speech and language and social interaction needs that present a barrier to learning and the development and maintenance of relationships
- Understanding and addressing sensory issues that may be impacting on the child or young persons’ engagement with and access to the curriculum
- Challenges with mental wellbeing i.e., anxiety, panic attacks, depression
- Supporting educational setting engagement and challenges with school attendance
- Support to understand and meet unidentified special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Preventing placement breakdown and school exclusion
Clarification: We are looking to submit an expression of interest for a provision within ******** ******. Having discussed the environment possibilities with Entrust, they have asked if there is a cap on the funding request for the building? This will allow us to then see what we can do before submitting our request.
Response: We have not set aside a specific allocation of capital funding for each project, but this is a limited budget. We would be willing to receive different options for consideration.
Please see clause below in the service specification:
1.1.3: Expressions of interest will be especially welcomed from partnerships of mainstream educational settings in collaboration with special schools and Pupil Referral Units. A base in the district to provide In Reach provision will be required. Some limited capital funding may be available to develop bases for SEDIS teams and In-Reach provision.