Your Belt Your Life
About the course
Your Belt Your Life (YBYL) is an online course that is offered as an alternative to paying a fine for the offence of not wearing a seat belt or not using an appropriate child car seat.
The course lasts for 30 minutes, and can be completed all at once or a stage at a time.
Attending the course
The interactive course contains a quiz that checks to see that you have understood the main points:
- The importance of wearing a seat belt and using an appropriate child car seat
- The consequences of misuse
Following the completion of the course, you are provided with a personalised plan to enable you to get into the habit of always wearing a seat belt.
Benefits of the course
Online Course
All you need is a laptop, tablet, or smartphone and an area where you will not be distracted whilst you complete the course
The course can easily be booked online, and you can start the course on a day and time that suits you.
Less likely to commit another offence
With an educational course you are less likely to commit another offence
No fine
By taking and completing this course, you do not need to pay the fine.
To book online click UKROEd Online Course Portal or call 0344 264 6323.